Meter communications
The next meeting of the Metering Communications Subgroup is at 77 Beale in
San Francisco, room 307. I'm including the agenda and 2/24 meeting notes
in the body of the e-mail since I can't attach successfully to the
web-site. For those of you who receive this as an e-mail, both documents
are attached.
8:15-8:30 Discuss and review agenda
8:30-10:00 Elaborate upon scope of work
Discuss Diagram Greg and Young put together
10:00-10:15 Break
10:15-11:30 Process for accomplishing work -
subcommittees, proposals etc
11:30-12:00 Next Stecps, agenda for next meeting
Meter Communication Subgroup
Meeting Notes
Feb. 24, 1998
Voting and Membership:
After much discussion, it was decided to defer voting and membership rules
to the Plenary group meeting on Thursday, Feb 26.
Discussion of role of chair and selection:
The Chair should organize the meetings, prepare agendas, manage
documentation, facilitate discussion. The chair should bring items and
resolutions back to the subcommittee. Also, the Chair should represent the
group on the coordinating committee, bringing in technical experts as
necessary. Finally, the chair should have another individual represent
their company's position in the meeting.
Chair: Kirsten Stacey, PG&E, (415) 972-5956,
Re: the diagram on page 11 of d.97-12-048, at a minimum, the subgroup will
address the plane which is labeled 3: the interface between the meter and
the meter reading system. The group needs to specify where this interface
is by defining the data flow and the physical connection.
The group will post all proposals, comments etc to the following internet
Also, everybody needs to subscribe to the e-mail distribution list at the
following internet address: (just write subscribe in the body of the