Agenda Items for "Unaccounted For" Consultants

I wish to have the same item, as follows, put on the agenda for all four
subgroups on May 26-27 and the plenary meeting on May 28:

New Business Item: "Unaccounted For" Consultants

Background:  PSWG ground rules stipulate that consultants have no
standing in their own right, but may represent other legitimate parties
of interest in this proceeding.  PSWG presently has one consultant, who
appears to not be a member of the PSWG or any of its subgroups,
facilitating a subgroup and thus voting on the Steering Committee; a
second consultant who, while claiming to represent particular parties of
interest for purposes of eligibility, habitually refers to his
consultancy practice as a member of the PSWG; and a third consultant
who, after refusing to cite sponsorship and thus being denied voting
membership, still sometimes participates vocally in discussions.  

Request:  That each subgroup and the plenary consider these situations
and address all in a consistent manner.