Permanent Standards WG Committee 3

Last update: Mon Feb 01 11:00:34 99
136 messages in chronological order

Listing format is the following:

* Subject From (Date)

* What groups are active? Shannon Black (02/01/99)
* No Subject Belcheff, Larry (08/10/98)
* Re: SCC31 as a home for VEE -Reply Greg Lizak (07/25/98)
* RE: Questions about Interval VEE rules kathy.smith (07/24/98)
* SCC31 as a home for VEE -Reply LORENZO KRISTOV (07/24/98)
* RE: Questions about Interval VEE rules Vanderlinde, H. John (07/24/98)
* RE: Questions about Interval VEE rules Price, James E. (07/24/98)
* RE: Questions about Interval VEE rules Dirks, James D (07/24/98)
* Re: Questions about Interval VEE rules Valerie Nibler (07/24/98)
* re: previous message regarding SCC31 as kathy.smith (07/24/98)
* SCC31 as a home for VEE kathy.smith (07/24/98)
* RE: Questions about Interval VEE rules kathy.smith (07/24/98)
* RE: Questions about Interval VEE rules Vanderlinde, H. John (07/23/98)
* Re: Questions about Interval VEE rules Valerie Nibler (07/23/98)
* Questions about Interval VEE rules kathy.smith (07/22/98)
* subscribe Gary Kroll (07/20/98)
* Updated Monthly VEE Rules kathy.smith (07/09/98)
* Re: Proposed VEE definitions for PSWG gl kathy.smith (07/02/98)
* Re: Proposed VEE definitions for PSWG gl kathy.smith (07/02/98)
* Re: Proposed VEE definitions for PSWG gl Bill Buckley (07/01/98)
* Proposed VEE definitions for PSWG glossa kathy.smith (07/01/98)
* RE: Your "Future Directions" Posting on Price, James E. (06/23/98)
* RE: Your "Future Directions" Posting on McCann, Ed (06/23/98)
* RE: EDI 867 Implementation, further comm Mazy, Anthony (06/22/98)
* Re: FW: UIGD New 814 Codes Eric Charles Woychik (06/22/98)
* FW: UIGD New 814 Codes Price, James E. (06/22/98)
* Re: EDI 867 Implementation Bill Buckley (06/22/98)
* re: EDI 867 implementation kathy.smith (06/22/98)
* CMEP to EDI Demonstration Testing Price, James E. (06/19/98)
* EDI 867 Implementation Chang, Cathy - TPCKC (06/19/98)
* RE: Vote items and EDI Price, James E. (06/19/98)
* RE: Your "Future Directions" Posting on Price, James E. (06/19/98)
* Interval and Monthly VEE rules for PSWG kathy.smith (06/19/98)
* Addition to EDI Text: Future Directions Price, James E. (06/18/98)
* GISB EDI Over the Internet PPT Presentat Diane Biegel (06/17/98)
* Drafts re EDI for PSWG/ MDMA Review Price, James E. (06/16/98)
* The REAL final monthly VEE draft before kathy.smith (06/16/98)
* Reformatted VEE Interval Rules kathy.smith (06/16/98)
* Revised Monthly VEE rules kathy.smith (06/16/98)
* Revised VEE Monthly Rules, Revised VEE S kathy.smith (06/15/98)
* Notes from VEE Interval Conference Call kathy.smith (06/12/98)
* Upcoming VEE meetings and calls, and not kathy.smith (06/12/98)
* Simplified Interval VEE document kathy.smith (06/12/98)
* PSWG-MDMA Meeting Notes 6-9-98 Chris King (06/12/98)
* RE: VEE - Holidays - for interval and mo Rihn, Diane (06/12/98)
* RE: VEE - Holidays - for interval and mo Vanderlinde, H. John (06/12/98)
* RE: VEE - Holidays - for interval and mo Dirks, James D (06/11/98)
* RE: VEE - Holidays - for interval and mo Rihn, Diane (06/11/98)
* VEE - Holidays - for interval and monthl Eric C. Woychik (06/10/98)
* RE: VEE - Holidays - for interval and mo Eric C. Woychik (06/10/98)
* RE: VEE - Holidays - for interval and mo Dirks, James D (06/10/98)
* VEE - Holidays - for interval and monthl kathy.smith (06/10/98)
* Monthly VEE Meeting Wednesday, 6/10 kathy.smith (06/08/98)
* MD: 5/26 notes Stacey, Kirsten (06/08/98)
* Interval VEE Conference Call Friday, Jun kathy.smith (06/08/98)
* Revised Interval VEE rules, notes from c kathy.smith (06/08/98)
* Revised Interval and Monthly VEE Rules kathy.smith (06/02/98)
* VEE - Notes from Monthly Meeting and Int kathy.smith (05/30/98)
* VEE Monthly and Interval Meeting/Call Sc kathy.smith (05/27/98)
* posting for PSWG - MDMA website Colwell, Larry A (05/27/98)
* FW: UDC response to EDI format Price, James E. (05/22/98)
* Interval VEE - Thoughts on revised Appen kathy.smith (05/22/98)
* PSWG Definitions - Version 5/21/98 LORENZO KRISTOV (05/21/98)
* Revised VEE document kathy.smith (05/21/98)
* Dial-in number for Interval VEE Conferen kathy.smith (05/21/98)
* Agenda for Monthly VEE Meeting 5/27 kathy.smith (05/21/98)
* RE: MDMA/MSP Agenda item - Ability of MD kathy.smith (05/21/98)
* RE: MDMA/MSP Agenda item - Ability of MD Mazy, Anthony (05/21/98)
* MDMA/MSP Agenda item - Ability of MDMA t kathy.smith (05/21/98)
* Location of Monthly VEE meeting 5/27/98 kathy.smith (05/19/98)
* Notes from VEE Interval Conference Call kathy.smith (05/19/98)
* Proposal for Meter-Specific Information Price, James E. (05/15/98)
* FW: Chang, Cathy - TPCKC (05/15/98)
* FW: Agenda June Mtg. Chang, Cathy - TPCKC (05/15/98)
* Revised INTERVAL VEE rules - draft 5 kathy.smith (05/15/98)
* VEE Interval and Monthly meeting/call no kathy.smith (05/14/98)
* PSWG-MDMA Meeting Notes 5-12-98 Chris King (05/14/98)
* Next meetings/conference calls kathy.smith (05/12/98)
* Agenda for 5-12 Meeting Chris King (05/11/98)
* Comparison between CMEP and EDI 814 & 86 Chang, Cathy - TPCKC (05/08/98)
* Bill Rush response to G. Roberts' postin Mazy, Anthony (05/08/98)
* VEE Interval Conference Call Friday 5/8 kathy.smith (05/06/98)
* PSWG-MDMA Meeting Notes 4-28-98 Chris King (04/30/98)
* VEE Meeting Notes, Revised VEE documents kathy.smith (04/30/98)
* National Coordination August J. Nevolo (04/27/98)
* PSWG-MDMA Recommendation Report to PA PU Chris King (04/24/98)
* Next MUG Meeting, April 27 - including m kathy.smith (04/24/98)
* PSWG-MDMA and MUG: EDI National Meeting Chris King (04/24/98)
* Input Welcome on EDI Proposals Price, James E. (04/23/98)
* No Subject Herzfeld, Thomas D (04/23/98)
* Proposal for PSWG MDMA Subcommittee rega kathy.smith (04/21/98)
* Notes from VEE conference call 4/20 and kathy.smith (04/21/98)
* help desk/support requirements of an MDM AMOS TSIKAYI (04/21/98)
* PSWG-MDMA Meeting Notes 4-14-98 Chris King (04/16/98)
* Revised VEE rules kathy.smith (04/14/98)
* Agenda for VEE conference call 4/20/98 kathy.smith (04/14/98)
* Use of EDI for Non-Usage Meter Data Price, James E. (04/10/98)
* Use of EDI for Meter Data in Other State Price, James E. (04/10/98)
* PSWG Issues Raised in VEE Conference Cal kathy.smith (04/08/98)
* Notes from VEE Conference Call 4/7/98, D kathy.smith (04/08/98)
* subscribe Linda Jenkins (04/07/98)
* PSWG Definitions LORENZO KRISTOV (04/03/98)
* PSWG Definitions LORENZO KRISTOV (04/03/98)
* VEE Conference Call 4/7/98 kathy.smith (04/01/98)
* PSWG-MDMA Meeting Notes 3-30-98 Chris King (03/30/98)
* Meter to RF Data Concentrator to RF WAN Bill_Rush (03/30/98)
* Re; VEE Conference Call Times kathy.smith (03/30/98)
* RE: Time for VEE conference call kathy.smith (03/30/98)
* MDMA Busines Practices August J. Nevolo (03/29/98)
* New VEE Draft kathy.smith (03/27/98)
* Meter to RF to Phone - Strawman Bill_Rush (03/27/98)
* Meter to PLCarrier to Phone - Strawman Bill_Rush (03/27/98)
* Supplement to Proposal to Use EDI for Me Jim Price (03/27/98)
* MDMA Business Practices MIKE JASKE (03/27/98)
* Interim Standards for MDMAs DPB2%GIR%BCS (03/27/98)
* No Subject Bill_Rush (03/27/98)
* Meter standards strawman Bill_Rush (03/25/98)
* Topic for discussion in PSWG MDM group kathy.smith (03/25/98)
* No Subject Bill Buckley (03/24/98)
* Proposal for Meter Reading Conrad Eustis (03/24/98)
* Meter-Specific Info Rpt 10/15/97-this o Conrad Eustis (03/24/98)
* Meter-Specific Info Rpt 10/15/97 Conrad Eustis (03/24/98)
* Re: PSWG-MDMA Meeting Notes, March 9 kathy.smith (03/24/98)
* PSWG Definitions - DRAFT LORENZO KRISTOV (03/24/98)
* PSWG-MDMA Meeting Notes, March 9 Chris King (03/24/98)
* Proposal for EDI Transfer of End-User Me Price, James E. (03/23/98)
* VEE for Interval Data kathy.smith (03/17/98)
* Criteria for standards evaluation Bill_Rush (03/09/98)
* March 10 meetings KSM8%GIR%BCS (03/05/98)
* Notes from 2-24-98 Meeting Chris King (03/04/98)
* Proposal-MDM Business Requirements Chris King (03/04/98)
* URG: Meeting Location Change KSM8%GIR%BCS (02/18/98)
* PSWG Meetings KSM8%GIR%BCS (02/06/98)

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