PSWG-MDMA Meeting Notes 5-12-98
Subject: PSWG-MDMA Meeting Notes 5-12-98
From: Chris King <>
Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 10:34:54 -0700
The MDMA Group of the PSWG met on April 28, 1998 at PG&E's offices in San
Francisco. The meeting was facilitated by Chris King. Please note items to
be submitted to Plenary for May 28. These include the MDMA Technical
Support language agreed upon in the April 28 subgroup meeting (see notes)
and those described below.
Paul Aubin, Nertec
Dan Barber, PG&E
Ed Beterbloe, Azusa
Bill Buckley, Itron
Ward Camp, Phaser
Duncan Cano, PG&E
Cathy Chang, SCG
Pymm Chartrand, GE
Thomas Chen, eT Comms.
Larry Colwell, SCE
Steve Cook, State of CA
Jeff Francetic, L&G
Kay Fujimura, NEV
Clark Getty, Azusa
Chris King, CellNet
Bill Kirby, Commonwealth Energy
Teri Kuniyuki, LADWP
Jerry Larson, SCE
Greg Lizak, Itron
Anthony Mazy, ORA
Ed McCann, SDG&E
Ted McClelland, ABB
Paul Nelson, SCE
Augie Nevolo, EPRI
Lenolia Nichols, SCG
Jamie Patterson, CEC
Jim Price, ORA
Ed Quiroz, ORA
George Roberts, Schlumberger
Bill Rush, IEEE SCC31
Lee Simmons, Enron
Kathy Smith, ABB
Kirsten Stacey, PG&E
David Sweeney, LADWP
Amos Tsikayi, FirstPoint
Agenda Items:
1. EDI. Update: Jim Price is working on mapping to EDI the transactions
described in the Meter Specific Information Flows section of the October
15, 1997 RSIF report. Bill Rush reported that EDI does not conflict with
the use of ANSI C12.19 for meter data collection. Several parties noted
that some benefits of EDI are associated with use of a VAN and may not be
available when using the Internet, which reduces the cost of EDI. The UDCs
mentioned several issues: 1) stabilizing CMEP, 2) transition concerns, 3)
stabilizing VEE, 4) operating costs of EDI, 5) volume of data, and 6)
maintenance costs.
ACTION: The UDCs will document these issues for the next meeting.
Other EDI items raised include mapping CMEP to EDI, security issues, the
fact that Scheduling Coordinators use EDI to report to the ISO, and the
recent approval by the Pennsylvania PUC to use EDI in that state for direct
AGREEMENTS: The group agreed to the following two items, to be submitted to
the Plenary on May 28th for adoption:
a. "For meter usage data transactions currently handled in CMEP, we agree
that we should move to EDI following adoption of an implementation plan to
be developed by a subgroup for the July 29th PSWG report answering issues
raised by UDCs or others." (Vote: 15-0)
b. "For any new transactions between MDMAs and market participants (other
than in item a above), the preferred method is EDI." (Vote: 15-0)
2. Meter Reader Certification. The group adopted the following item for
submittal to the Plenary:
"We recommend the Commission change D.97-12-048 to allow an entity to be
approved for all or any subset of MDMA functions, but, if approved for a
subset, the entity must operate as a subcontractor to an approved MDMA;
also, the entity need not be re-approved to provide such functions as
subcontractor to another MDMA." (Vote: 16-0)
3. VEE. Kathy Smith reported continuing progress. There will be a meeting
May 27th in San Diego on Monthly VEE and a conference call on May 18th at
10 a.m. PDT on Interval VEE. Please contact Kathy Smith for details.
4. Training, Documentation, Disaster Recovery, Data Archiving. Lee Simmons
will make proposals prior to the next PSWG-MDMA meeting.
5. Security (defined as data integrity, privacy, and authenticity). Ed
Quiroz asks that the group review the ISO proposal of three documents on
security. He is getting authorization and details to access the documents
and will share those with the group. There will be a presentation at the
next Plenary meeting. Ed is developing a matrix of security issues on one
axis and the PSWG subgroups on the other; he will post it when completed.
The goal is to have policies and procedures to ensure secure e-commerce in
the retail electric market. Ed is working toward specific proposals for the
group to review. It was suggested that costs be minimized in such proposals.
6. New Business. The group agreed to review all remaining work to be done
and make proposals on how to complete the items for discussion at the next
The MDMA Business Functions (attached) agreed upon in the April 28th
meeting will also be submitted for approval at the May 28th Plenary. The
next PSWG-MDMA subgroup meeting is May 26 in San Diego.