sce redlined tariff

To: Don Fellows
From: Jeanne M. Solé
Re: SCE Redlined Direct Access Rule
Date: April 15, 1998

The following as we discussed are my comments on the proposed changes to
Rule 22 proposed by Edison:

1) As a general matter, I believe that if the object is to establish
statewide uniform tariffs, it makes little sense to make "editorial"
changes to Rule 22.  In order to keep the tariffs consistent, a lot of
people will have to review proposed edits and this is not a good use of
our collective resources.  Accordingly, I generally do not favor any
changes that are not necessary.  Most of the proposed changes are not

2) Other comments:

 a)   G-1-c.  The date should not be deleted from this section since
customers should be on notice that meter services will be unbundled on

 B) G-3 (sheet 19, second full paragraph).  The second sentence should
not be deleted.  It is helpful to remind customers in this section that
in general, they will not have to remove ESP installed meters when
returning to bundled service.
