UDC-ESP Mtg on EDI 810 Billing Data - 8/21 in San Diego
Subject: UDC-ESP Mtg on EDI 810 Billing Data - 8/21 in San Diego
From: Mark Schindel <schindme@sce.com>
Date: Sun, 12 Jul 1998 19:28:44 -0700
Organization: Southern California Edison
The second meeting of UDCs and ESPs to discuss the EDI mapping of
Billing Data into the 810 (Version 3070) format is scheduled for
TUESDAY, JULY 21st, in SAN DIEGO (at 101 Ash St) from 9:30am to 4pm.
This schedule accommodates those who had planned to be at the EDI
mapping meeting for Meter Usage data into the 867 (Version 3070) format
on Monday, July 20th, also in San Diego (at 101 Ash St).
Attached is our latest EDI 810 "California" Mapping Guide for your
preview. Several key areas that need continued discussion at this next
session are:
+ Consolidated Billing Codes for the SAC04 field;
+ Handling Unmetered Billings
+ Handling Billing Adjustments and ReBills;
+ How to respond to UIG on the use of Positive & Negative charges;
+ Any other items to take before the UIG at the upcoming interim
meeting of the "Dereg Team" in Pittsburgh on 7/26 - 7/28.
This note is going out on the CDT and Rule 22 Exploder distribution
lists (as of 7/12), and the CDT and Rule 22 websites. If there are
others who need to see this note, please forward it to them. Also, if
you plan to attend, please let Chris Alba (calba@sdge.com) AND myself
(schindme@sce.com) know, so we can be prepared with adequate facilities
for the meeting. Thanks for your cooperation and participation.
Mark Schindel
Southern California Edison Co