SDG&E's Response to Commonwealth Petition

The following is SDG&E's response to the Commonwealth Petition, dated June
26, to Modify Decision 97-10-087.  SDG&E's response was filed July 27.  The
file is in PDF format that can be read through the Adobe Acrobat Reader,
which is freeware available from Adobe's website (


I'd like to ask Rule 22 participants that, in the future, please post to
this website any future protests, petitions, or responses made with the CPUC
regarding Rule 22 issues.  I have found this form of communication to be the
best available tool to access information on a timely basis.  Thanks.

Steve Lango,
Sempra Energy Regulatory Analysis & Policy
Phone	(619) 696-4280
FaxNo1	(619) 696-4825
FaxNo2	(619) 696-4266
