FW: Agenda etc for 10/28 Meter Usage Data Meeting
Subject: FW: Agenda etc for 10/28 Meter Usage Data Meeting
From: "Wenzel, Ray E" <WENZELRE@sce.com>
Date: Tue, 27 Oct 1998 13:36:40 -0800
> Jim,
> Please put on the agenda for tomorrow's meeting discussion of version X12
> v4010 being adopted for 867 Meter Usage Data. I am recommending CA adopt
> v4010 immediately in lieu of further work on v3070.
> This recommendation is made on the basis of two main points:
> 1. The 3070 could be considered Non Y2K Compliant since it allows only 6
> characters in the BPT03 and the BPT03 is the only mandatory element that
> uses a date. Of course there is a DTM Segment with a Century element in
> Table 1, but this is an optional segment.
> 2. Since I believe there is no current installed base or any users of the
> 867 in our industry it makes economic sense to implement the most current
> version.
> Regards,
> Ray
> ----------
> From: Price, James E.[SMTP:jep@cpuc.ca.gov]
> Sent: Friday, October 23, 1998 7:04 PM
> To: tariff@dradmin.cpuc.ca.gov; tariffweb@dradmin.cpuc.ca.gov
> Cc: Alba, Chris; Barber, Daniel; Bernaudo, David A; Bouquet, Patrick;
> Colwell, Larry A; Estrada, Monica ; Goldman, Ryan; King, Chris; Lofgren,
> Tom; McCann, Ed; Patel, Amal; Ray, Carol; Schindel, Mark E; Tsikayi, Amos;
> Wenzel, Ray E; Smith, Kathy; Brubaker, Wendy
> Subject: Agenda etc for 10/28 Meter Usage Data Meeting
> <<File: NOTESA14.DOC>><<File: mtgA2898.doc>><<File: rules.doc>>
> Attached are the notes from the 10/14 meeting of the Meter Usage Data task
> group, the proposed agenda for the group's Wednesday 10/28 meeting
> (notesa14.doc and mtga2898.doc, respectively), and a paper prepared by
> Kathy
> Smith regarding the treatment of "exception" events. Note that while a
> starting time of 9 AM had been announced previously, it has been changed
> to
> 9:30 AM to simplify things for those who are travelling. Also, when
> reaching the 14th floor at 245 Market, it will be necessary to phone the
> meeting room from the 14th floor elevator lobby, to access the meeting
> room.
> ESPs are encouraged to review the 10/14 (as well as previous) meeting
> notes
> to see how some issues are being resolved by the group. Strawmen will be
> presented at the next OCC meeting, but if anyone has views that are
> contrary
> to those resulting from meetings to date, it would be productive to attend
> the task group's meetings so that any controversies can be addressed in
> adequate detail.
> <<NOTESA14.DOC>> <<mtgA2898.doc>>
> ---
> Jim Price, ORA, jep@cpuc.ca.gov
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: kathy.smith@ustra.mail.abb.com
> [SMTP:kathy.smith@ustra.mail.abb.com]
> > Sent: Friday, October 23, 1998 11:38 AM
> > To: jep@cpuc.ca.gov; dpb2@pge.com
> > Subject: Business rules for Meter Usage Data
> >
> > I tried to put all the "exceptions" into a table - I don't know if this
> is
> > a good format or not. I wanted to capure the different needs and how
> they
> > should be handled. If we can agree on it, it helps define the flags,
> etc,
> > needed so recipients can interpret the data, etc.
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > (See attached file: rules.doc) <<Lotus Manuscript 1.0>>