Meter Usage Data 10/28 Meeting Notes & OCC Strawmen
Subject: Meter Usage Data 10/28 Meeting Notes & OCC Strawmen
From: (Price, James E.)
Date: Sun, 1 Nov 1998 23:33:22 -0800 (PST)
Attached are meeting notes for the 10/28/98 meeting of the Meter Usage Data
task group, and a document to be presented to the 11/2-3/98 meetings of OCC
and the Rule 22 committee regarding strawmen proposed by this task group to
obtain feedback. As attendees at the 10/28 meeting know, we covered a lot
of issues, so if I didn't get something right, or if issues need further
elaboration at our next meeting, please let me know so we can address them
-- preferably before Friday 11/6 so I can include them in the next agendas.
Also, please note that the next meeting of the Meter Usage Data task group
is scheduled for Monday and Tuesday, 11/9-10, in San Francisco (starting at
9:30 on Monday 11/9). Details on meeting location will be announced later
this week.