FW: Billing Business Rules minutes and next meeting *** MEETING LOCATION INSTRUCTIONS***
Subject: FW: Billing Business Rules minutes and next meeting *** MEETING LOCATION INSTRUCTIONS***
From: "Acuna, Teresa G." <TAcuna@SDGE.com>
Date: Thu, 12 Nov 1998 09:42:17 -0800
Confirmation of BBR Meeting Scheduled for 11/17/98 from 10am to 4pm:
Location: 101 Ash St., San Diego - Sempra Energy Headquarters
Meeting Room: HQ Seminar 1-2
Contact: Teresa Acuna 619-654-8792 or Joanne Pittman 619-654-8703
Driving Instructions from San Diego International Airport - 3665 N Harbor
Drive San Diego
Starting from 3665 N Harbor Drive:
1. Start out going East on N Harbor Dr towards Harbor Island Dr
2. Turn LEFT onto W Broadway
3. Turn LEFT onto 1st AVE
4. Turn RIGHT onto A St.
5. Turn LEFT onto 2nd Ave
There are several "pay for parking" lots located in this vicinity.
Maps attached for your convenience:
<<mqmapgen_v4.0.gif>> <<101ash.bmp>>
Driving instructions from Orange County:
Take I-5 South to the 2ND AVE & FRONT ST Offramp (stay in the left lane of
the offramp)
Stay on 2nd Ave to the Intersection of Ash Street
Make a right hand turn on Ash Street (you should now be at the intersection
of Ash St & 1st (Sempra Headquarters located @ 101 Ash St to your right)
There are several "pay for parking" lots located in this vicinity.
Map attached for your convenience:
Teresa Acuna
Energy Measurement and Service Standards Analyst
Phone: 619-654-8792 Pager: 619-526-2777
Location: CP52F Fax: 619-654-8292
> ----------
> From: Lewis, Ernest R[SMTP:LEWISER@sce.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, November 11, 1998 11:55 PM
> To: tariff@dradmin.cpuc.ca.gov
> Subject: Billing Business Rules minutes and next meeting
> <<Nov BBR.doc>> <<Billing Business Rules .doc>>
> Attached are the minutes from the 11/2 BBR meeting ( thanks to Patrick
> Bouquet) .
> <<Nov BBR.doc>>
> For those of you who may have recently joined the exploder, I've also
> attached the original scoping document of the BBR.
> <<Billing Business Rules .doc>>
> The next meeting is scheduled at SDG&E for 11/17. Teresa Acuna has made
> arrangement for us, and I will request that she send directions. The
> meeting time is from 10:00am to 4:00pm. The primary agenda item will be:
> * Based on the 3 criteria agreed to of Revenue, Usage and Time ( Age)
> establish thresholds which will trigger rebilling.
> From there we will move into the next 8 outstanding policy issues we have.
> I
> understood there was to be a meeting of a sub-group from the DQIWG looking
> at a similar issue with rebilling and settlement. I would like to invite
> a
> representative from that group or the ISO and PX for that matter to join
> us.
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