RE: Agenda Item "SCE's Request to Streamline Rule 22"
Subject: RE: Agenda Item "SCE's Request to Streamline Rule 22"
From: "Bray, Peter" <>
Date: Tue, 5 Jan 1999 10:39:54 -0800
Don -
In general, I have no problem with what SCE has proposed. [The single
exception is the proposed change to §G3. Is there a specific objection to
prohibiting the conditioning of a customer's return to Edison Bundled
Service upon removal of a meter meeting CPUC required specifications? If
so, let's talk it out, rather than eliminating the prohibition outright.]
I would like some deference to (or recognition of) the stated idea from
D97-10-087, "to eventually have all the UDCs in this state using a uniform
direct access tariff." Last year, it was suggested that the UDCs confer
regarding uniform changes, at least, rather than moving one UDC at a time,
in different directions (which would lead to diverging tariffs rather than
converging ones).
Finally, events of the past year may suggest a different set of revamps for
Rule 22, to minimize anachronisms (e.g.: §G2 reference to "MDCS workshop").
A fine-toothed combing might be in order (e.g.: deleting, rather than
modifying, the last sentence of §G1c.)
Peter Bray
Manager, California
Electric Deregulation
PG&E Energy Services
415/733-4963 fax
PG&E Energy Services is not the same company as Pacific Gas and Electric
Company. PG&E Energy Services is not regulated by the California Public
Utilities Commission; and you do not have to buy PG&E Energy Services
products in order to continue to receive quality regulated services from
Pacific Gas and Electric Company, the utility.
-----Original Message-----
From: Fellows, Donald A []
Sent: Monday, January 04, 1999 2:31 PM
To: Rule 22 List Server (E-mail)
Cc: Rule 22 Website (E-mail)
Subject: Agenda Item "SCE's Request to Streamline Rule 22"
Attached is the document that we submitted early last year to correct
grammar, ambiguities et al in Rule 22. We would like to propose these
changes one more time.
Don Fellows
Southern California Edison
Phone 626-302-8175
FAX 626-302-1626