Agenda & Info for EDI 814 Mtgs - 4/6, 4/7, & 4/12

For those involved in the DASR and Account Maintenance transactions and
process, I am reposting the FINAL version of the Business Policies for these
transactions (see attachment).  Also, for those who plan to attend the
upcoming EDI 814 mapping meetings, I am including the latest "red-line"
version of the EDI 814 document from UIG.  In addition, I am including a
tentative agenda for the sessions on April 6th and 7th.  If you have any
questions, or have trouble with the attachments, please contact me
(  Thanks.

	 <<DASR - Acct Maint Bus Policies (3-31-99).doc>> 	 <<EDI 814v4
UIG (3-3-99).doc>> 

Tentative Agenda for EDI 814 Sessions on 4/6 & 4/7 (see below for locations
of these meetings at SCE Facilities, near Ontario Airport):
Tuesday, April 6 (at SCE Ontario Service Center):
09:00 - 09:30		Continental Breakfast
09:30 - 09:45		Introductions & Objectives
09:45 - 10:30		Review & Document DASR Process Flow
10:30 - 10:45		Break  (Earthquake Drill)
10:45 - 12:00		Review & Document EDI 814 segments to be used for:
				*	Enrollment
12:00 - 12:45		Lunch - SCE will provide
12:45 - 02:00		Continue work on specific data elements for:
				*	Enrollment
				*	Acceptance/Rejection Response
02:00 - 02:15		Break
02:15 - 03:30		Continue work on specific data elements for:
				*	Acceptance/Rejection Response
				*	Switch Notification
03:30 - 03:45		Break
03:45 - 05:00		Continue work on specific data elements for:
				*	Disconnect
				*	Update

Wednesday, April 7 (at SCE Foothill Service Center):
08:00 - 08:30		Continental Breakfast
08:30 - 10:00		Finalize & Document specific data elements for:
				*	Enrollment
				*	Acceptance/Rejection Response
				*	Switch Notification
				*	Disconnect
				*	Update
10:00 - 10:15		Break
10:45 - 12:00	Review & Document EDI 814 segments to be used for Account
				*	Customer Information
				*	Account Number
				*	Rate Schedule
				*	Turn-off / Shut-off
				*	Other
12:00 - 12:45		Lunch - SCE will provide
12:45 - 02:00	Continue to Determine & Document specific data elements for
Account Maintenance
02:00 - 02:15		Break
02:15 - 03:00	Finalize & Document specific data elements for Account
03:00 - 03:15		Break
03:15 - 04:00	Wrap-up
				Assignments for Documentation (for Review
and Comment)
				Identification of any issues for UIG
				Follow-up work for 4/12, as necessary.

   Mark Schindel
   Southern California Edison Co

> ----------
> From: 	Schindel, Mark E
> Sent: 	Monday, March 29, 1999 1:52 PM
> To: 	''; ''
> Cc: 	''; Wenzel, Ray E; Brubaker, Wendy; Chan, Patty;
> Lotspeich, David M; Hsieh, Jean H; Sandro-Yepes, Pol; Ochoa, Alfred R;
> Mesco, Tracy M
> Subject: 	EDI 814 DASR/Acct Maint Mapping Mtgs - 4/6, 4/7, & 4/12
>     On April 6th (Tue) and 7th (Wed), meetings are scheduled to work on
> the details of the EDI 814 v4010 California Mapping Guides for DASR
> (Enrollment, Acceptance Response, Switch Notification, Update, Disconnect)
> and Account Maintenance (Change information).  These meetings are
> primarily intended for the EDI/Systems experts who will be working on
> these EDI implementations.  The objective of these sessions on 4/6 and 4/7
> is to have an updated EDI 814 v4010 California Mapping Guide to share with
> everyone, and specific examples of key DASR/Account Maintenance
> transactions mapped in EDI 814 v4010 format for review and comments.
> Then, on April 12th, there will be a follow-up session to finalize the
> Mapping Guide and examples for the Market Participants to use in their
> system development work.  
>     SCE will be hosting these meeting sessions at its facilities near the
> Ontario Airport.  The following are the dates, starting/ending times, and
> location for these sessions:
> 	April 6th (Tue)    -   9:30am to 5:00pm at the Ontario Service
> Center
> 	April 7th (Wed)  -   8:30am to 4:00pm at the Foothill Service Center
> 	April 12th (Mon) -   9:30am to 4:00pm at the Ontario Service Center
> Morning refreshments will be available a half-hour before the meeting
> starts, and Lunch will be provided.  Information on a couple hotels near
> the Ontario Airport is provided below.  Also, directions to these
> facilities from that area is on the attached web links.  As always, we
> greatly appreciate and encourage the participation of as many ESPs and
> others in the Market, who can attend.  To help us in preparations and
> arrangements, please RSVP to me ( if you can make it, and
> indicate which session(s) you will attend.  Thank You.   
>  <<Ont-Foothill.htm>>  <<ont-ont.htm>> 
> Attached are driving directions from near the Ontario Airport (starting
> from the Marriott Hotel) to both the Ontario and Foothill Service Centers.
> Approximate driving times and distance are included with the directions.
> Ontario Service Center: 	1351 E. Francis St.
> 			Ontario, CA 91761
> Foothill Service Center:	7951 Redwood Ave.
> 			Fontana, CA 92335
> Additional info:  	Marriott Hotel
> 		2200 E. Holt Ave.
> 		Ontario, CA 91761
> 		(909) 975-5000
> 		Residence Inn
> 		2025 E. Convention Center Way
> 		Ontario, CA 91761
> 		(909) 937-6788
> Regards,
>    Mark Schindel
>    Southern California Edison Co



