The MSS Subteam Workshop is scheduled for Friday, May14th from 9:00 am to 4:00 PM. This meeting will be held in San Diego at the Sempra Headquarters 101 Ash St, San Diego. The workshop will focus on: * continued development of MSS process flow diagrams (the detail) <<DA-metering-common-process-definition.doc>> * presentation of the proposed "Meter Test Results (MTR)" form * discuss options for additional metering activity codes (e.g. Requests for meter tests, rereads, as well as "As Found" and "As Left" codes * associated outstanding issues * prepare presentation for MSS Workgroup meeting scheduled for 5/20/99 Please submit your RSVP for this meeting to Joanne Pittman @ <> Teresa Acuna Energy Measurement and Service Standards DAPC Team Lead Phone: 619-654-8792 Pager: 619-526-2777 Location: CP52F Fax: 619-654-8292 email: