ࡱ> 453ܥhc e%d"^^^^^^^j_j_j_j_j_ v_"_j_*c1&`&`<`<`<`<`R`n`'a)a)a)a;da8b c[cXcj*c^~`<`<`~`~`*c`^^<`&````~` ^<`^<`'a@NA(o^&_h^^^^~`'a`` Meter Service Provider (MSP) Field on DASR A workaround to alleviate problems ESPs encounter with scheduling meter installation with specific MSPs To alleviate problems ESPs encounter with scheduling meter installation with specific MSPs, a workaround is being established. ESPs (at their option) will no longer need to identify a specific MSP in the CONNECT DASR. To accommodate this workaround, however, ESPs need to be aware of the following when submitting DASRs in CSV format: Previously if information was not provided in Field 66 (Meter Service Provider DUNS) or Field 67 (Meter Service Provider ID), the MSP option would default to SCE Under this proposal, an ESP would only need to specify: in Field 66, their DUNS number, or SCEs DUNS number (006908818) depending upon who the ESP selects to provide this service in Field 67, their ID (ticker), or SCEs ID (SCE) depending upon who the ESP selects to provide this service SCE communicated to market participants at the March 2, 1999 OCC meeting, that this proposal would be implemented by April 15, 1999. If, however, an ESP prefers the current process (i.e., indicating a specific MSP on their DASR, or leaving the fields blank and defaulting to SCE), no change is required. An ESPs DASR will be processed according to SCEs system in place today. DASRs submitted via EDI are discussed on the following page. EDI TRANSACTION SET 814 - Version 3070 Use of REF 130 - MSP Designation Change Attached is the REF Segment, Position 130 from Transaction Set 814 illustrating the use of the REF Segment when providing the MSP (Meter Service Provider) designation in Connect and Update DASRs. REF01 using code YG indicates the MSP in the transaction set. REF02 will contain the DUNS number corresponding to the ESP submitting the request when the ESP or its agent is the MSP. REF02 will contain the SCE DUNS number (006908818) when the utility provides MSP services for the customer. 814 General Request, Response or Confirmation Functional Group ID=GE Introduction: This Utility Industry Group (UIG) Implementation Guideline contains the format and establishes the data contents of the General Request, Response or Confirmation Transaction Set (814) as adopted by the UIG for use within the context of an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) environment. This standard can be used to request actions to be performed, to respond to a request for actions to be performed, or to confirm information related to actions performed for or on behalf of Customers. Notes: This Implementation Guideline was designed to address the business processes which support the supply of products or services by a third party, such as bill presentment or payment services, warranty services, or alternative energy supply . The primary processes addressed by this Transaction Set 814 are the customer request for enrollment with a third party supplier, the maintenance of customer account information, and the disenrollment from the third party supplier. Heading: Pos. Seg. Req. Loop Notes and No. ID Name Des. Max.Use Repeat Comments Must Use010STTransaction Set HeaderM1Must Use020BGNBeginning SegmentM1LOOP ID - N1>1Rec040N1NameO1n1Rec080PERAdministrative Communications ContactO>1100DTMDate/Time ReferenceO>1 Detail: Pos. Seg. Req. Loop Notes and No. ID Name Des. Max.Use Repeat Comments LOOP ID - LIN>1Must Use010LINItem IdentificationO1Must Use020ASIAction or Status IndicatorO1030REFReference IdentificationO>1Rec040DTMDate/Time ReferenceO>1LOOP ID - NM1>1Must Use080NM1Individual or Organizational NameM1n2Must Use090N2Additional Name InformationO2Must Use100N3Address InformationO2Must Use110N4Geographic LocationO1Must Use120PERAdministrative Communications ContactO>1Must Use130REFReference IdentificationO>1Must Use150SETransaction Set TrailerM1 Transaction Set Notes 1. The N1 loop is used to identify the transaction sender and receiver. 2. The NM1 loop is used to identify the parties associated with the individual line item (LIN), such as an individual consumer in a consolidated third party Consumer Service Provider transaction. Segment: REF Reference Identification Position: 130 Loop: NM1 Level: Detail Usage: Optional (Must Use) Max Use: >1 Purpose: To specify identifying information Syntax Notes: 1 At least one of REF02 or REF03 is required. 2 If either C04003 or C04004 is present, then the other is required. 3 If either C04005 or C04006 is present, then the other is required. Semantic Notes: 1 REF04 contains data relating to the value cited in REF02. Comments: Data Element Summary Ref. Data Des. Element Name Attributes >>REF01128Reference Identification QualifierMID 2/3Code qualifying the Reference IdentificationProvides reference information relevant to the Customer or location identified in this NM1 loop.09Customs Bar Code Number0BState License NumberIf REF01 = 0B, place ESP registration number in REF02. ESP registration number assigned by CPUC.11Account NumberNumber identifies a telecommunications industry accountIf REF01 = 11, place SCE's service account number in REF02. (REQUIRED)5BSupplemental Account NumberIf REF01 = 5B, place ESP's customer account number in the REF02. ESP - Use to identify the Consumer Service Provider's (Code SJ) account number for this Customer.7ECollector IdentificationIf REF01 = 7E, place MDMA (Meter Reader) DUNS # in REF02. CA Implementation. Meter reading entity.BLTBilling TypeIf REF01 = BLT, place billing option type in REF02 (U=UDC, E=ESP, or D=Dual). Billing Option. Identifies the party which is to render the bill to the customer: UDC, ESP, or Dual (each sends its own bill for its service(s)). (REQUIRED)D8Loss Report NumberSequence number to identify a particular loss and its information. It will be assigned across all lines of business for a particular customerH5Special ClauseIf REF01 = H5, place Y or N on REF02. CA Implementation. Renewable Energy Provider. Indicates that renewable energy is provided for this account. Values in REF02 are: Y = renewable energy is provided N = renewable energy is not provided blank = renewable energy is not providedK0Approval CodeIf REF01 = K0, place acknowledgment status (Y or N) in REF02. Customer acknowledgment of CTC (Competitive Transition Charge).KWCertificationA number, taken from an acquisition regulation, which represents a specific certification that must be made by a prospective vendor before a contract or order can be placed with that vendorIf REF01 = KW, place the CPUC Certification Number in REF02. If Certification Number is provided in REF02, SCE assumes renewable energy is provided.MGMeter NumberMeter ID Serial Number (CA Implementation).NHRate Card NumberIf REF01=NH, place Usage Profile info. in REF02. Usage Profile (CA Implementation).RBRate code numberIdentifies the rate or tariff. For SCE this equals Rate Schedule.S0Special ApprovalIf REF01 = S0, place Y or N in REF02. This indicates if Release of Confidential Information Authorization has been obtained from the end customer (if N, then SCE will not trigger the automatic release of customer information (CISR)).SUSpecial Processing CodeUnique code identifying the special handling requirements for the claimLife Support Flag When REF01 = SU then REF02 will = Y for Life Support Required or N for No Life Support required.V9SubservicerIf REF01 = V9, place meter owner option in REF02 (E=ESP, U=UDC, C=Customer, O=Other) and then place DUNS number of meter owner in REF03. Meter owner (CA Implementation).YGOperator IdentificationIf REF01 = YG, place ESP or UDC DUNS # in REF02. SCE DUNS # = 006908818 MSP - Meter installer or maintainer (CA Implementation).ZWAreaNumber assigned by a regulatory agency which describes a producing oil or gas areaIf REF01 = ZW, REF02 = SCE1. Meter congestion zone. The ISO distribution congestion zone identifier. (CA Implementation) REF02127Reference IdentificationXAN 1/30Reference information as defined for a particular Transaction Set or as specified by the Reference Identification QualifierBased on conditions of REF01, reference information is placed here. When REF01 = SU then REF02 will = Y for Life Support Required or N for No Life Support required.REF03352DescriptionXAN 1/80A free-form description to clarify the related data elements and their contentWhen REF01 = V9, then DUNS # of meter owner should be transmitted here. - PAGE 1- /=+,-W`n #$'(*+ABCDEOWX[\_`qrstu56>_cU^cUcUcUUc(Vcccc Uc Y 45679CFGJKNObcdegt -./01;CDGHJcccJK^_`abltuxy|} !"#-.CDFQ[_67}~<Z[]^cdghU^Uc(UUccc_%(*,CFHJ^a[^`b}#&(*BETWY[il -0479;KN r!u!w!y!!!cd!2"5"7"9"P"S"""""""3#6#############`$c$% %%%%% %!%"%#%*%-%{%~%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%u PacPcuDPccUc9,-yzE78(/0m$$$ $P$P$P$P$P$P$P$P$P$$R$$$$P$P$P$P$P 4h 8 4h h 4hm $(+BDFGHIJ$$$P$P$$ $$$ %%$$ $$`@ @ ` l l `p8P?0!`p8P?0! %33 4hJKLMNOX\`rtvwxyz{|}~l l l l l `@ @ ` l l l l l l l ` @   @  ` l l l l l l  `pXG6"#n##F$$%"l `@ @ `l l l l l l i`pXG6"#n##F$$%  !l `@ @ ` l l l l l l l ` @ @ ` l l Z`pXG6"#n##F$$% !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456>l l l l l $$  `pXG6"#n##F$$%Z`pXG6"#n##F$$% >_$$` @   @  ` l l l l l l kl `@i`pXG6"#n##F$$% `p8P?0!`p8P?0!     @ ` l l l l l l l `@ @ ` l l l l l Z`pXG6"#n##F$$% 57:;<=>?@ABCGKOcehijkl l ` @ @ ` l l l l l l l `@ @ ` l Z`pXG6"#n##F$$% klmnopqrstl l l l l l ` @   @  ` l l l l l l Z`pXG6"#n##F$$% l `@ @ `l l l l l l h`pXG6"#n##F$$%   .023456l `@ @ ` l l l l l l l `@ @ ` l l Z`pXG6"#n##F$$% 6789:;DHK_acdefghijkluy}l l l l l `@ @ ` l l l l l l l `@ @Z`pXG6"#n##F$$%  ` l l l l l l l `@ @ ` l l l l l l Z`pXG6"#n##F$$%  "$l `@ @} `pXG6"#n##F$$%Z`pXG6"#n##F$$% $%&'()*+,-.DPx4{1<[ ` l l l l l l l $$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ W $  ( p  pp## `pXG6"#n##F$$%[^dh&'(+,DEFIJ_`a8|  {{ {{  HH  HHH HHHH   H$   oG$  % % ' s & W $PQ\]^ab~$%&)*CDE HHH HHH HHHH  HHH HHHH  HHH HHH  HHH HHHH H$H$   oG$'UVWZ[jkl7\ ./0H  HHH HH  HHH HHHHHHH  HHH HHHH  HHH HH$   oG$ H$'-.567:;LMNmnHH HHHH  HHH HH  HHH HHHH  HHH HHHH  HH   oG$ H$H$' !!s!t!u!x!y!!!!""3"4"5"8"9"Q"R"S""""""H HHHH  HHH HHH HHHH  HHH HHHH  HHH HHHH H$   oG$ H$'""""""4#5#6#S#T###########a$b$c$$$ % % %%%!%#% HHH HHH HHHH 8|  {{ {{{{ 8|   % % ' s & H$H$   oG$ #%+%,%-%|%}%~%%%%%%%%% {{ {{$$ $  4h pp  % % ' s &K@Normala "A@"Default Paragraph Font @ Header ! @ Footer !)@ Page Number"%!!!!!!nQst"'.'J!%mJ!>k6$["#%% !"#$%&'()*+,-. !book1book15book16PQ""PQ"""Standard Configuration*C:\My Documents\Meter Service Provider.docStandard ConfigurationCC:\My Documents\Direct Access\DA Workshops\DASR MSP Field Logic.doc@HP LaserJet 4Si/Rm384LPT1:HPPCL5MSHP LaserJet 4Si/Rm384HP LaserJet 4Si/Rm384@w XX@MSUDNHP LaserJet 4Si ;d HP LaserJet 4Si/Rm384@w XX@MSUDNHP LaserJet 4Si ;d 1Times New Roman Symbol &Arial"1hN{3&N{3&M{3&=!j*Meter Service Provider (MSP) Field on DASRStandard ConfigurationStandard Configuration  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0127?Root EntryX<R  F V(o@NA(o6xWordDocumentC`$<5 dCompObj$X<5 jCSummaryInformation&(HC|H  FMicrosoft Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.69qOh+'0 , LX    +Meter Service Provider (MSP) Field on DASRLStandard ConfigurationdL% Normal.dotStandard ConfigurationDocumentSummaryInformation8 ՜.+,0HPt|  Southern California Edison= +Meter Service Provider (MSP) Field on DASR2Microsoft Word for Windows 95@F#@V՚(o@(o@(o՜.+,0HPt|  Southern California Edison= +Meter Service Provider (MSP) Field on DASR