ࡱ> ܥhc e!   1I%<a<  XD!o   $Meter Specific Services Working Group Meeting Minutes March 29, 1999 77 Beale St., San Francisco, CA An Attendees List is provided at the end of these minutes. Agenda: Review work product from previous meeting. Capture issues, modifications and outcomes. Create as many solutions as possible on the outstanding issues. Determine next steps and an action plan. OCC Update: The OCC and Rule 22 update confirmed to the MSS Working Group that ESPs are responsible for maintaining historical meter and test records for their meters and transferring these records to other parties if the customer chooses another provider. This is an important confirmation of a business assumption as all processes developed and implemented by the MSS Working Group had been based on this assumption. Process Reviews: The Day of Install process changes were reviewed and approved. This included slight revisions in the MIRN form and instructions to the MSPs when a metering site is de-energized during the installation. These changes were negotiated between the MSS Working Group and MDMA Working Group. The changes were documented in the Direct Access Metering Handbook by Teresa Acuna, SDG&E and Nosheen Swad, SCE. The Panel Upgrade process was reviewed and had many process modifications. The next review of the changes will be distributed to the MSS Working Group at the next meeting. A beginning of the Common Business Processes flow diagram of the UDC to ESP process when metering is involved was presented. This was created by SDG&E and SCE to pictorially represent the new processes that have been defined since the MSS Working Groups inception. The plan is to complete all the processes in this format and add them to the Direct Access Metering Handbook as they are approved and accepted as final. Although there were many modifications to the process that was presented by Nosheen, the group found this process mapping to be extremely helpful and supported expanding the effort. Additionally, the group supported developing the initial maps outside the meeting, and making modifications at the next meeting. To that end, SDG&E will host a working session before our next MSS meeting. Participants that volunteered will be contacted with further details. The draft listing of data elements for a consistent response for sharing existing meter information between parties was reviewed. The focus for the evaluation of the data elements was determine inclusion or exclusion for both the UDC to ESP information flow and the ESP to ESP information flow. A more refined list was created. Jamie Arrison of Slumberger volunteered to create a form for the information. He will pass it on to Teresa Acuna for consideration at the working meeting. If possible, a refined form will be presented at the next meeting. Issues: One of the major issues still outstanding is the naming conventions. Many acronyms are being considered that can be confusing to non metering personnel. The group decided to name the handbook Direct Access Metering Handbook removing the joint-UDC portion of the title. The use of the MI has been confusing as it is an existing process name as well as a future process name. A final name will be determined before sending this process to the OCC. All work product revisions will be reviewed at the next MSS meeting for comments and further revisions. The next MSS meeting will be hosted by San Diego on April 22, 1999. Attendees: Jamie Arrison - Slumberger Nosheen Swad - SCE Bill Kirby - Commonwealth Teresa Acuna - SDG&E Bob Soutner, Data & Metering Specialties Danny Walters - Phaser Maurice Winter - Enron John Dickey - PG&E Energy Services Steve Krein - Enron Jim Price - ORA Edwin Hornquist - NEV Jim Adams - PG&E Energy Services Dave Bernardo - SCE Debra Henwood - Cell Net Diane Rihn - LG&E Joe Greenwood - PG&E Energy Services Carrie Edgeworth - NEV Dan Barber - PG&E Steve Van Horssen - SMUD Sue Sponsel - PG&E Andrea Deveau - Commonwealth Mike Luevano - Slumberger DRAFT /=eoz$uU&6EefghEno{%j ?!~!!!~!!!!!!!;!'!'!!!w!!!!O! !!!!!!!!!!! 4h h 4h&+'+(+)+ ?{ Ep!!!!!!!!!!!!K@Normala c"A@"Default Paragraph Font @ Header ! @ Footer !!    ? .58>PULUz$A Valued Microsoft Customer%\\GO250\SJS3$\mms minutes 2-22&23.docA Valued Microsoft Customer!\\GO250\SJS3$\mms minutes 329.docA Valued Microsoft Customer!\\GO250\SJS3$\mms minutes 329.docA Valued Microsoft Customer!\\GO250\SJS3$\mms minutes 329.docA Valued Microsoft Customer!\\GO250\SJS3$\mms minutes 329.docA Valued Microsoft Customer!\\GO250\SJS3$\mms minutes 329.docA Valued Microsoft Customer!\\GO250\SJS3$\mms minutes 329.docA Valued Microsoft Customer!\\GO250\SJS3$\mms minutes 329.doc Sue Sponsel!\\GO250\SJS3$\mms minutes 329.doc@HP LaserJet 6P/6MP - EnhancedLPT1:HPBXLAHP LaserJet 6P/6MP - EnhancedHP LaserJet 6P/6MP - EnhancedD).X)HP LaserJet 6P/6MP - EnhancedD).X)1Times New Roman Symbol &Arial"qhj4fJ5&4f 'J o%Meter Specific Services Working GroupA Valued Microsoft CustomerA Valued Microsoft Customer Root Entry  F(YWordDocument0qddd!CompObj  d (jSummaryInformationd(R    FMicrosoft Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.69qOh+'0 , P\    &Meter Specific Services Working GroupAA Valued Microsoft CustomerF]H Normal.dotA Valued Microsoft CustomerDocumentSummaryInformation8 ՜.+,0HP\dl t|  A@ &Meter Specific Services Working Group9HMicrosoft Word for Windows 95@r@=^@