SDG&E Static LPs for 1999
Subject: SDG&E Static LPs for 1999
From: "Willoughby, Leslie" <>
Date: Fri, 5 Feb 1999 15:38:00 -0800
Return-Receipt-To: "Willoughby, Leslie" <>
> SDG&E developed the following 1999 static load profiles based upon a three
> (3) year average of electrical use (1994-1996). Rate class load estimates
> are presented in kwh and local time. Please be advised that except for
> the streetlighting class of customers, SDG&E no longer uses static load
> profiles. The static load profiles for 1999 are being provided to you at
> your request and are intended to be illustrative only. SDG&E does not
> warrant any information contained in the static load profiles nor does
> SDG&E ensure the accuracy of the static load profiles. You are solely
> responsible for your selection of these static load profiles provided to
> you by SDG&E and you are solely responsible for any results if they are
> used by you.
Rate Class 1994-1996 Averages
Residential 1,018,047
Small Commercial 102,826
Schedule AD 2,287
Medium Com/Ind 10,555
Large Com/Ind 528
Schedule A6 16
Agricultural 4,314
As agreed to in the Load Profiling workshops the hourly units for SDG&E's
Dynamic Load Profiles will be at the total class level. These population
counts can be used to derive the average customer load for the class by
dividing the hourly load by the appropriate population count.
Leslie Willoughby
Business Analysis
Phone: (619) 654-1262
Fax: (619) 654-1117