Thank you to those who provided their comments and updates to the DASR/Account Maintenance Business Policies. I have attached the latest version with those updates from Cellnet, New West Energy, ORA, PG&E, and SCE (it makes for a quite colorful document). One last round to go, and we can finish this up. <<DASR - Acct Maint Bus Policies (2-18-99).doc>> ACTION: Please review this latest set of DASR/Acct Maint Business Policy statements and comments. Especially consider the new Policy Statements submitted or new comments to Policies. Be prepared to discuss and reach final agreement on these Policies at a Conference Call to be held on Friday (2/26). CONFERENCE CALL: I will setup a Conference Call for Friday (2/26) from 8:30 - 10:00 am (PT) to discuss these latest updates to the DASR/Acct Maint Business Policies. I will let everyone know the dial-in number as soon as it is confirmed, early in the week. The objective will be to reach a final agreement on the new or commented on Policies. So, we will have the FINAL set of Business Policies to present to the OCC and Rule 22 Groups, then officially publish these as the Rules we will abide by in the upcoming EDI 814 implementations for DASR/Acct Maint. Again, many thanks to all of you who have contributed and participated in the work on these Business Policies. Just a little more final tuning, and we can put a wrap on this and move on. (NOTE: If anyone has trouble accessing this file, please contact me.) Regards, Mark Schindel Southern California Edison Co