Rule 22: Addendum to Feb. 4 minutes
Subject: Rule 22: Addendum to Feb. 4 minutes
From: "Roscow, Steve" <>
Date: Mon, 1 Mar 1999 14:26:22 -0800
To: Rule 22 WG folks
From: Steve Roscow
As I said in the minutes I sent out last week, I was not sure about exactly
how the group resolved the agenda item concerning DASR Switch dates. Since
Green Mountain had taken the lead on this item, I asked Rick Counihan to
provide some text for the minutes. Rick's suggested text is provided at the
bottom of this note, following the text from the minutes I sent out last
If we need to fine tune this summary, we can do that this Wednesday.
Steve Roscow
CPUC Energy Division
DASR Switch Dates - Group discussion led by SCE (Don Fellows)
Note from Scribe: the boxed item below is the agenda item; there is a gap
in my notes as to how we resolved this one, so once I find out, I will
circulate that (Steve Roscow)
Green Mountain has asked the utilities to switch accounts to DA
faster than called for in the tariff. PG&E has a method which is based on at
least 15 days from the DASR receipt date. It would be simpler from a system
standpoint for SCE to implement five working days from DASR acceptance (3
days after receipt). This would in all cases be a shorter time than PG&E's
approach, but would be different from what PG&E is doing.
Question: Is statewide consistency more important than faster
switches and minimizing impact on SCE systems?
INSERT #2 Proposed Text for Minutes
DASR Switch Dates
The Rule 22 group ratified what we had been working on the past
three months
to speed up the switch times for customers who do not require a meter
change. The following rule had been approved at the DASR Business
Rules meeting and at the 2/3 OCC meeting. The rule that all
utilities have to meet is:
"UDCs will switch over customers who do not require a meter change no later
than the first meter read that occurs after 15 calendar days have passed
from the date of DASR submission to the UDC."
This allows PG&E to continue its present policy, while SCE and SDG&E will
use a somewhat faster rule, which they will implement at the time of EDI
implementation for DASRs. In addition, SCE will be working on a manual
work around in the mean time.