FW: ESPs Needed at MSS Meeting - March 15th in SF

Sorry, I forgot to post this on the Web site!
Sue Sponsel
for MSS Working Group
> ----------
> From: 	Sponsel, Susan
> Sent: 	Monday, March 08, 1999 1:46 PM
> To: 	'tariff@dradmin.cpuc.ca.gov'
> Subject: 	ESPs Needed at MSS Meeting - March 15th in SF
> The next Meter Specific Services Working Group meeting will be held in SF
> on Monday, March 15th from 9:30 am.-4:30 pm at 77 Beale St, Room 301B.
> This meeting is set up to encourage more ESP participation in the
> definition of a common "Meter Information" (MI) transaction.  As discussed
> in the MSS meetings, this transaction might be exchanged as follows:
> 	1.  In response to the initial DASR 
> 	2.  Changes in ESP, MDMA or MSP roles
> 	3.  Upon request
> This MI transaction could be from UDC to ESP, from ESP to UDC or from ESP1
> to ESP2. 
> If the MI transaction is finalized, we may have time to review other data
> exchanges or the history record transfer.
> Please RSVP to Sue Sponsel, sjs3@pge.com so we have enough materials for
> the session.  Thanks for your support in this effort.
> Sue Sponsel
> sjs3@pge.com
> 415.207.3611