FW: Petition to Modify Rule 22
Subject: FW: Petition to Modify Rule 22
From: "Scott-Kakures, Megan" <SCOTTM@sce.com>
Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 15:18:28 -0700
Well, I'm trying a different variation on the exploder address.
> ----------
> From: Scott-Kakures, Megan
> Sent: Thursday, September 09, 1999 3:13 PM
> To: 'tariff@ora.cpuc.ca.gov'; 'tariffweb@ora.cpuc.ca.gov'
> Subject: Petition to Modify Rule 22
> Attached are:
> 1. The latest draft of the "clean-up" petition to modify. I have
> included the names of those entities who earlier or since the last Rule 22
> meeting let me know they wanted to sign on to the petition. By Friday,
> Sept. 17 please let me know additional names for the list and any
> suggested final changes to the petition itself. Steve Roscow has spoken
> to Judge Wong about his preferred format and the judge would like all
> three UDCs' tariffs marked with our changes and attached, so I need to get
> those from PG&E and SDG&E after they've had a chance to do that work. If
> our petition is granted the three marked-up tariffs will be attached to
> D.97-10-087 as Appendices C, D and E. That change is reflected in the
> petition draft. I've also drafted a section requesting continuation of
> the Rule 22 group.
> 2. SCE's Rule 22 as it looks today after approval of pending advice
> letters and marked-up with the final changes agreed to by the Rule 22
> group. No more changes will be made.
> Please send me a note or call me if you cannot open one or both documents.
> My number is: (626) 302-6855; e-mail: scottm@sce.com.
> <<petition3.doc>>
> <<Attachment A.doc>>