SCE's Implementation of EDI Transaction Set Version 4010/Updated Business Processes

> This notice is to remind ESPs that this weekend is SCE's implementation of
> the EDI Transaction Set 814 version 4010 upgrade and updates to DASR
> business processes (which includes DASRs submitted in both EDI and CSV
> format).  Beginning Monday, September 20, 1999, DASRs must use the new
> business rules (which includes the additional required fields below), and
> DASRs submitted in EDI format, must be in version 4010.  Oversight of
> these details, would result in the DASR being rejected.
> New DASR Required Fields:
> Receiver ID (always SCE's D&B number, 006908818)
> MSP DUNS (ESP's D&B number, MSP's D&B number, or SCE's D&B number)
> MDMA DUNS (D&B number of the ESP's MDMA)
> Meter Owner (either C, E, U, or L)
> Commodity (always E)
> Life Support Required (either Y or N)
> Refer to SCE's ESP web page ( for SCE's
> "Implementation Guide EDI Transaction Set 814 Version 4010 Upgrade and
> DASR Business Process Updates."  This implementation guide contains
> information useful to ESPs in understanding the new functionality, as well
> as other pertinent information.  In addition, the web page contains the
> revised DASR Assistant.  The DASR Assistant is useful for ESPs who submit
> DASRs via CSV format.  This software will only work on PCs running Windows
> 95 or Windows NT Operating System.
> Following SCE's cutover to version 4010, only version 4010 transactions
> will be accepted.  All outbound responses from SCE will be version 4010.
> Any trading partner who anticipates not being ready for the cutover to
> version 4010, should refer to the implementation guide for a description
> of the contingency plan offered by SCE.
Due to the extent of the functionality upgrades in this release, SCE asks
that ESPs refrain from submitting DASRs in large quantity during the week of
September 20th through September 24th.  This would not adversely impact
customer switches as a feature of the new functionality is switching those
customers without a meter change on the next meter read date (provided it is
at least five business days from DASR acceptance). 

> Tom McLeod
> Project Manager
> CSBU Process Management
> Phone: (626) 302-2614, PAX 2-2614
> FAX:    (626) 302-4554
> email: