RE: OCC Conference Call on Moving Customers
Subject: RE: OCC Conference Call on Moving Customers
From: "Counihan, Rick" <>
Date: Wed, 6 Oct 1999 16:57:14 -0400
Importance: high
Dear Rule 22 Participants:
I would like to request that ESPs only participate on this call tomorrow
and give you UDC folks a break and a free hour to devote to something
else. At the last telephone call on customers who move within the
service territory, we agreed that the ESPs needed to do some work
amongst themselves to determine what we want as a group. That has not
occurred yet and I would like to use the time tomorrow to do that. We
will then get back to you to arrange a new time for UDCs and ESPs to
Sorry for the inconvenience.
In addition, I am attaching my notes from the last teleconference for
everyone. They are only my notes and do not necessarily reflect the
views of any other participant in the call
Rick Counihan
-----Original Message-----
From: Susan J Mara []
Sent: Monday, September 13, 1999 6:50 PM
Subject: OCC Conference Call on Moving Customers
Rick Counihan of and Sue Mara of Enron are hosting a
teleconference on Friday, September 24, at 9:00 am PDT. The topic of
call is to begin discussions on how we can make moving easier for direct
access customers. Our goal is to set up procedures that allow direct
access customers to make only one phone call.
The agenda for the meeting is attached.
Call-in Number: 888 422-7105
Participant Code: 482261
(See attached file: Telephone Conference Agenda.doc)