RE: AB 811, CPUC Resolution E-3662

I believe that both the UDCs and ESPs came to an understanding, in the workshop,
that the PX credit calculation methodology directly affects the ESPs, the
customers and their relationship. To that extend, it is appropriate that all
information exchange with regards to what is best suitable for a customer's
particular load shape should only be between the ESP and its customers. In fact,
in its Advice Letter 1430-E, Edison clearly states that DA customers who call
them directly will be referred to their respective ESP. That is the appropriate
way for UDCs to handle situations were customers call them directly. An ESP and
its customers may have contractual obligations that are tied to the PX credit
methodology. The ESP should therefore be the only entity advising their
customers on the appropriate PX credit calculation methodology. We must insure
that the customer/ESP relationship is respected through the implementation of AB

"Hornquist, Edwin" <> on 04/06/2000 04:32:31 PM
 To:      "'Roscow, Steve'" <>,                
          "''" <>,          
          "''" <>     
 Subject: RE: AB 811, CPUC Resolution E-3662                  

Steve - Do you or does anyone know whether or not the customers will be
advised on the method that is best suited for their particular load shape
when they call the UDCs requesting information?

Edwin A. Hornquist
Sempra Energy Solutions (Sales)
Tel: 213-244-3046

Sempra Energy Sales is not the same company as SDG&E/SoCal Gas, the
utilities. Sempra Energy Sales is not regulated by the California Public
Utilities commission, and you do not have to buy Sempra Energy Sales'
products or services to continue to receive quality regulated service from
the utilities.

-----Original Message-----
From: Roscow, Steve []
Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2000 8:15 AM
To: ''
Cc: ''
Subject: AB 811, CPUC Resolution E-3662

Rule 22 folks--

Here is the Draft Resolution regarding the AB811 Advice Letters, mailed for
comment on Monday April 3.  The Cover Memo discusses procedures from here
on, hopefully to a Commission decision at its May 4 meeting.

Steve Roscow
CPUC Energy Division

<<Resolution E-3662.doc>> <<Resolution E-3662 Cover Memo for Mailing_.doc>>
