SCE Implementation of EDI V4010 for Complex Rates

> ESPs can now begin testing Complex Rates with SCE utilizing the EDI 810
> Version 4010 transaction set.
> Please refer to SCE's ESP web page at
> *	Click on Data Exchange Guide and Tools 
> *	Click on EDI Transaction Set 810 Version 4010 Implementation Guide.
> The Implementation Guide contains updated information on the Complex Rate
> Schedule Implementation.  The Guide explains:
> *	Complex Rate testing requirements
> *	Requesting/Receiving practice test data
> *	Compliance testing criteria
> *	Rate families
> *	Tutorial Mapping examples for some complex rates.  
> ESPs are required to pass compliance testing for our Routine Rates (DOM,
> GS1,GS2, TOU) prior to  starting Complex Rates compliance testing. SCE
> will continue to send billing data for Complex Rates  via e-mail until the
> ESP is ready to fully move (routine included) to Version 4010.  
> Please note that an ESP may request practice test data for the Complex
> Rates at any time.  Thank you. 