
Attached for your information is a copy of the historical data
implementation matrix for the EDI 867.  This matrix was put together as a
consolidated effort between the three UDC's to outline the type of
historical data that will be sent by each utility and was distributed at the
June OCC meeting.

The Proposed Statewide Implementation Guide for EDI Standards documents the
type of data that will be included in an EDI transaction.  Historical data
transactions are sent upon receipt of a successful EDI 814 connect DASR and
again after has account has switched to direct access, and may include 15
minute interval, time-of-use, and demand data, if available.

Please note that the implementation dates for each utility.  If you have
questions please contact:

PG&E:      Armando Silva  (415) 973- 3365
SCE:         Jamie McGrath  (562) 945-9240  
SDG&E:   Ed McCan         (858) 654-6387

Implementation dates:

PG&E:    Begin production on July 10, 2000
SCE:       Currently in production 
SDG&E: Call Ed McCan for implementation date   


Steve Knaebel   
Pacific Gas & Electric Co. 
External Phone  (415) 973-1131
Company Phone  223-1131
