RE: ORA Phase 1 Rebuttal Testimony on Revenue Cycle Unbundling -Reply

I suggest that we discuss whether Phase 1 hearings are necessary.  

>>> "Malcolm, Kim" <> 03/18/98 09:06am >>>
Jim's notice here to the active parties provides me with a convenient
forum to ask the parties to let me know of any agenda items for
Tuesday's prehearing conference.  An e-mail message (which includes the
other parties) would suffice. 

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Price, James E. 
> Sent:	Tuesday, March 17, 1998 8:45 PM
> To:	Barkovich, Barbara; Blunden, Julie; Booth, William; Byers,
> David; Catherine Johnson; Comnes, Alan; Counihan, Richard; Czahar,
> Ray; Day, Michael; Donald Lafrenz; El-Gassier, Mohamed; Ellison,
> Chris; Elsesser, Evelyn; Fellman, Diane; Finkelstein, Bob; Furuta,
> Norman; Gray, Jeffrey; How-Downing, Lindsey; Joseph, Marc; Jubien,
> Sidney; Kathryn Auriemma; Kehrein, Carolyn; Kelley, Kristen; Kim
> Malcolm; King, Chris; Kirshner, Dan; Knecht, Ron; Kristov, Lorenzo;
> Laura Manina; Lehrer, Jim; Leslie, John; Liebert, Ron; Marcus, David;
> McClary, Steve; McCrea, Keith; Nahigian, Jeff; Niven, Andy; Palmer,
> Maureen; Patrick, Steven; Rostker, Margaret; Schmidt, Reed; Schmiege,
> Patricia; Shames, Michael; Sole, Jeanne; Squeri, Jim; Thomas, Aaron;
> Thompson, Vicki; Woychik, Eric; Wynne, Michelle
> Cc:
> Subject:	ORA Phase 1 Rebuttal Testimony on Revenue Cycle
> Unbundling
> The Office of Ratepayer Advocates' "Phase 1 Rebuttal Testimony on
> Unbundling of Revenue Cycle Components for Electric Industry
> Restructuring", in A.97-11-004 et al, is attached.
> Also, please note that (as stated in my March 11, 1998, email to the
> Ratesetting Working Group) at the February 17 workshop on revenue
> cycle unbundling, a follow-up continuation meeting of the Ratesetting
> Working Group was scheduled for Tuesday, March 24, at 10 AM (prior to
> the prehearing conference at 1:30).  The location for this meeting
> will be Hearing Room A at the CPUC, 505 Van Ness Ave., San Francisco.
> This meeting will provide an opportunity to discuss filings that have
> occurred since the February 17 workshop, including the ORA and
> intervenor Phase 1 testimony on February 27 and March 4, the
> utilities' revised applications on March 9, and rebuttal testimony to
> be filed on March 18.
>  << File: ora31898.doc >> 
