ENRON's March 30 Supplemental Testimony on PG&E's System Limitat ion
Subject: ENRON's March 30 Supplemental Testimony on PG&E's System Limitat ion
From: MAR <MRostker@GMSSR.com>
Date: Fri, 3 Apr 1998 14:57:36 -0800
Attached is a word file of Enron's Supplemental Testimony, filed
on March 30, 1998 in the Revenue Cycle Services Credits Proceeding in
response to PG&E's announcement that it would not be able to comply with
D.97-05-039 and the Scoping Memo in the Revenue Cycle Services
Please be advised Enron will be filing Rebuttal Testimony on
April 6, 1998 as well.