ORA Phase 2 Testimony on Revenue Cycle Services, A.97-11-004 et a l
Subject: ORA Phase 2 Testimony on Revenue Cycle Services, A.97-11-004 et a l
From: "Price, James E." <jep@cpuc.ca.gov>
Date: Mon, 6 Apr 1998 17:05:44 -0700
Attached is the Office of Ratepayer Advocates' testimony in Phase 2 of
the Revenue Cycle Services Unbundling proceeding, A.97-11-004 et al. As
discussed at the Prehearing Conference of March 24, 1998, numerical
results pertaining to PG&E will be presented on May 4, 1998. Requests
for workpapers for the attached exhibit should be sent to me (Jim Price)
at jep@cpuc.ca.gov, and should state whether the party making the
request has signed the non-disclosure agreements required by SCE and