Re: Meeting re Post-Transition Ratesetting

The meeting room for the Friday February 19 meeting, announced previously 
as described below, will be Room 308 at PG&E, 77 Beale St., San 
Francisco.  The meeting time will be 10 AM to 1 PM.

As described below, the agenda for this meeting will be primarily a 
general discussion to determine the nature and scope of activities 
relating to post-transition ratesetting that parties may wish to 
undertake at a level like the Ratesetting Working Group has previously 
done, as well as to answer any questions about filings to date.  One 
specific topic that has been suggested is to explore the possibility of a 
stipulation regarding FERC deference to CPUC recommendations regarding 
rate design for costs of reliability must-run generation, similar to the 
stipulation that was previously presented to the CPUC and FERC regarding 
transmission rate design.  If anyone wants to propose other specific 
items for discussion, we can arrange the agenda accordingly.

Please accept my apologies for not making all the requested changes to 
this email distribution list that were sent to me after the previous 
meeting announcement.  I was out of town all last week on business, and 
just haven't had time to catch up yet.  One item for discussion will be 
communication mechanisms, assuming there is interest in continuing 

  Jim Price                  California Public Utilities Commission            Office of Ratepayer Advocates
  fax (415) 703-1981         voice (415) 703-1797

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 5 Feb 1999 20:51:42 -0800 (PST)
From: <>
To: Unbundling Working Group
Subject: Meeting re Post-Transition Ratesetting

As a participant in past Ratesetting Working Group (RWG) activities, you 
will recall the role of this type of group in developing parties' 
understanding of issues in ratemaking proceedings that relate to electric 
restructuring, and in exploring possibilities for resolving selected 
issues outside of litigation before the CPUC.

Informal discussions have shown that a number of parties have an interest 
in addressing these types of issues in the upcoming post-transition 
ratemaking proceeding.  An informal meeting for individuals and 
organizations interested in the post-transition ratemaking proceeding has 
been scheduled for 10 AM on Friday, February 19, at PG&E's offices in San 
Francisco.  The purpose of this meeting is to determine the nature and 
scope of activities relating to this proceeding that parties may wish to 
undertake.  This can also be an opportunity to informally answer any 
questions that participants wish to raise about filings made through that 
date (including the utilities' applications and parties' protests).

The meeting room will be announced in a later e-mail message.

  Jim Price                  California Public Utilities Commission            Office of Ratepayer Advocates
