ORA Testimony: Revenue Cycle Services/Direct Access Services; A.9 9-03-013, et al
Subject: ORA Testimony: Revenue Cycle Services/Direct Access Services; A.9 9-03-013, et al
From: "Price, James E." <jep@cpuc.ca.gov>
Date: Wed, 5 Jan 2000 16:47:59 -0800
Attached is ORA's direct testimony in the Revenue Cycle Services/ Direct
Access Services proceeding, A.99-03-013 et al.
As stated in ALJ Wetzell's email of 1/4/2000, ORA has not discussed issues
that were added to this proceeding by D.99-12-046.
Jim Price, Office of Ratepayer Advocates, 415-703-1797, jep@cpuc.ca.gov
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Wetzell, Mark S.
> Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2000 3:00 PM
> To: 'napedersen@jonesday.com'; 'athomas@newenergy.com';
> 'weissmannhx@mto.com'; 'lehrerjm@sce.com'; 'pszymanski@sempra.com';
> 'vthompson@sempra.com'; 'mdjoseph@adamsbroadwell.com';
> 'bfinkelstein@turn.org'; Farrar, Darwin; 'peter.bray@pgees.com';
> 'gra@gralegal.com'; 'phanschen@mofo.com'; 'eke@aelaw.com';
> 'jsqueri@gmssr.com'; 'jbennett@gmssr.com'; 'mschreiber@cwclaw.com';
> 'rick.counihan@greenmountain.com'; 'aln2@pge.com'; 'ssmyers@hooked.net';
> 'berry@apx.com'; 'jeff@jbsenergy.com'; 'abb@eslawfirm.com';
> 'ebouillo@energy.state.ca.us'; 'rliebert@cfbf.com'; 'aorchar@smud.org';
> 'malcantar@aandellp.com'; 'jogg@jhenergy.com'; 'anchaue@shellus.com';
> 'LVanWagenen@sempra.com'; 'mward@sempra.com'; 'bwa@slip.net';
> 'derkp@newsdata.com'; 'mrw@mrwassoc.com'; 'rbw@mrwassoc.com';
> 'dmarcus@slip.net'; 'rmccann@cal.net'; 'blaising@jps.net';
> 'jdh@eslawfirm.com'; Ortega, Barbara; Price, James E.; Hendry, James;
> Wetzell, Mark S.; Campbell, Rod A.; 'mjaske@energy.state.ca.us'
> Cc: Gottstein, Meg; Halligan, Julie; Gamson, David M.; Malcolm, Kim;
> Minkin, Angela K.; Lafrenz, Donald J.; Martin, Laura A.
> Subject: Revenue Cycle Services/Direct Access Services; A.99-03-013,
> et al
> This is advance notice of a written ruling to be issued within the next 1
> to 2 days. In summary, responses to ORA's 12/31/99 motion and TURN's
> 1/3/00 motion are due Thursday, 1/6/00; in its testimony due 1/5/00, ORA
> need not address issues that were added to this proceeding by D.99-12-046;
> the supplemental utility testimony which is now due on 1/10/00 pursuant to
> the 11/22/99 joint ACR is instead due 1/17/00. This and other dates
> (including in particular the 1/19/00 date for responsive testimony) may be
> further changed upon review of the responses to the ORA and TURN motions.
> Responses to the TURN and ORA motions should address, intra alia, the
> advisability of a separate phase for D.99-12-046 issues and the
> alternative of adjusting the schedule so that a separate phase is not
> needed. Responses should also address the advisability of establishing a
> separate schedule for PG&E (because its GRC decision has not been issued)
> and the alternative of PG&E filing supplemental testimony (concurrently
> with Edison and SDG&E) that reflects, as a placeholder, its GRC proposal,
> the proposed and any alternate GRC decisions, or some combination.