Organizational Meeting Minutes
Unbundling/ Pricing/ Rate
Design and PBR
April 15, 1996
The purpose of this meeting was to
perform organizational tasks to a point where formal recognition
as a Working Group can be requested. This meeting was facilitated
by Jim Price of DRA.
Robert Berry, advisor to Commissioner
Duque, welcomed the group and announced that the Commissioner's
Scoping Workshop would be held May 20, 1996.
Internal Organization of Working
Group, Process for Reaching Decisions
DRA presented a set of proposed practices
for the working group, which were revised and agreed to. An attachment
to these minutes includes the final proposed practices.
Issues to be Discussed during Substantive
The CPUC's Roadmap decision (D.96-03-022,
p. 35) states a sequence of tasks for unbundling, pricing, and
rate design issues: (1) identify the components of electric services,
(2) establish costing methodologies and perform cost studies,
and (3) price the component services. The group agreed that this
order of tasks is appropriate for each group of services.
PG&E provided a preview of its
7/15/96 proposal on separating rates into identifiable components.
The group agreed that component services can be separated into
two tracks (Track 1 to be completed in time for first phase of
direct access on or before 1/1/98, Track 2 possibly at a later
Interactions between unbundling and
PBR were discussed in broad terms, resulting in agreement that
this working group would encompass PBR; substantive discussion
will continue at the next meeting. Agreement was reached that
revenue allocation for CTC should be considered by this working
group, but that CTC revenue requirement and accounting are sufficiently
different to be placed in a different working group.
Other issues (e.g., non-bypassability,
"no cost shifting") were recognized but not discussed
in detail.
Coordination with Other Working Groups
DRA distributed a table summarizing
input received prior to the meeting about issues of concern to
this working group, and of overlapping or related concern between
working groups, and emphasized that this table should only be
considered as a preliminary draft for discussion with other working
groups. Two clarifications to DRA's draft were suggested: (1)
not phasing the restructuring task is what would affect
the Commission's 1/1/98 implementation date, and (2) baseline
rate design issues are of concern to this working group, not just
the Low Income working group.
Mission Statement Development
A draft mission statement for the
working group, drawn from the Roadmap decision, was revised and
agreed to. An attachment to these minutes includes the final
mission statement.
Identification of Subteams
The following possible areas for
formation of subteams were considered: Coordinating, Analysis,
PBR, Nonfirm, Customer services, Billing structures, and Special
contracts. (Billing structures includes (a) format of what information
is on bills versus other sources, and (b) interface with WEPEX
BSB and DISI teams.) Three subteams were formed initially: Coordinating,
Analysis, and Interpretation of Existing Tariffs. Subteams concerning
PBR, Track 2 issues (i.e., "customer services" on the
previous list), and billing structures are likely to be formed
but will be considered further at the next working group meeting.
Identification of Work Products and
Establishment of Time Tables
The Commission's schedule sets some
landmarks for the functioning of the working group: (1) the Commissioner's
scoping workshop on 5/20/96, (2) utility filings on 7/15/96 (proposals
on separating their rates into identifiable components, and applications
for PBR for utility distribution & limited portions of utility-owned
generation services), and (3) target completion date of 6/30/97
leading to 1/1/98 beginning of Power Exchange, ISO, direct access
phase-in, etc. Details of work products and related timing will
be discussed further at future meetings.
The meeting concluded with:
- Meetings on substantive issues
are tentatively scheduled for May 9 and 29, either in the CPUC
auditorium or at PG&E's Energy Center. The tentative agenda
for 5/9 is: (1) identification of Track 1 vs. Track 2 issues,
(2) PBR issues, and (3) issues concerning billing structures.
(It is anticipated that the discussion of billing structures
will include presentations by the utilities of the capabilities
and limitations of their billing systems.)
- A summary of consensus decisions
reached at this meeting: (1) proposed practices (see attachment);
(2) issues will be considered on two separate tracks, with specific
issues for each track yet to be determined, but each using the
steps of identifying service components, then performing cost
studies, then establishing pricing; (3) CTC revenue allocation
to be included in this working group, but not CTC revenue requirement
or accounting; (4) PBR to be included in this working group,
with a subteam likely to be formed; (5) mission statement (see
attachment); (6) three subteams formed now and three likely for
future formation (see above); and (7) tentative meetings on 5/9
and 5/29.