The purpose of this meeting was to (i) review the capability and limitations of the utilities' billing systems to present unbundled rate components, (ii) to identify track 1 (crucial unbundling elements) and track 2 (potentially desirable but not as urgent as track 1 issues) issues, and to (iii) identify Performance-Based Ratemaking (PBR) issues. Jim Price of DRA facilitated the meeting. He distributed the minutes from last meeting (4/15/96) and the Assigned Commissioner's Ruling (ACR) in areas related to unbundling and PBR on May 8, 1996.
Maryam Ebke of CACD briefed the group on the ACR. She pointed out that by May 15, 1996, in preparation for the scoping workshop on May 20, 1996, parties should submit statements of issues to CACD. The statements should include issues and sub-issues related to unbundling and PBR to be addressed by the working groups, scheduling and sequencing of those issues, and issues related to transitioning from the current ratemakings (GRC, ECAC, etc.) to the PBR or post-restructured ratemaking. A scoping workshop meeting agenda is expected to be posted at the CPUC on May 19, 1996.
Issues Raised at the Meeting:
Can a more detailed level of unbundling for the bills be done before the policy issues associated with credit collections, deposits, partial payment, etc. are sorted out?
Should the discussion and time table associated with the unbundling of services (and cost studies) be separated from showing the unbundled pieces on the bills?
What potential options can be used by the utilities to communicate more detailed information to customers but accommodate the current billing limitation?
The billing detail may have to vary to fit different customer needs. How can the bill provide sufficient information for customers to make their economic choice decision? Need to communicate with the customers and provide necessary education.
Whose responsibility should it be in terms of providing more detailed information to the customers, UDC or the marketers?
Parties have different views in terms of what consists of the crucial elements to be unbundled such that the 1/1/98 electric restructuring implementation date can be accomplished. In other words, some had a longer list of track 1 issues while others were concerned that it was not practically possible to complete so many unbundling pieces without jeopardizing the 1/1/98 implementation date.
Should the generation portfolio also be communicated on customer bills?
Parties also seemed to have different perceptions as to the degree of competition that is allowed under the electric restructuring arena. Should all the potentially competitive services be unbundled? Or, should it be limited to generation? Some parties believe that all potentially competitive services should be unbundled, such as metering, billing, wire maintenance, wire connection, etc. There was also an issue related to whether it might create unfair competition if unbundling for all services doesn't start at the same time (i.e., track 2 items may be disadvantaged). For example, direct access for generation might, in some cases, require some duplication of "customer" costs. Without unbundling and competition, some customers may be deterred from participating in direct access if the duplicative customer costs become a significant portion of the customer bill. Additionally, the decision to determine the level of unbundling may also impact the magnitude of the potential stranded costs (i.e., to what extent will additional stranded costs be created if unbundling of metering and/or billing is allowed?). Other parties pointed out that the discussion of Track 1 vs. Track 2 issues is one of timing, and that the proceeding should focus on what can reasonably be done by January 1, 1998.
DRA submitted a list of issues that it wishes to be covered by the utilities' PBR applications. Other parties were invited to also make their desires known.
Some parties believe that there is a limited linkage between the PBR and rate unbundling. Some also voiced the concern that PBR issues were litigated for SDG&E and SCE already and should not be relitigated. It is not clear what the Commission expects from the utilities' PBR filings. The status of SCE's PBR is also uncertain since the Commission has not put out a decision yet. In addition, it was pointed out that there was a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) issue which may fall into several areas, such as PBR, customer protection, etc.
Future meeting dates (all day; subteams are Analysis, and Interpretation of Existing Tariffs):
(completion by 1/1/98 or earlier) |
(as soon as possible) |
Generation Capacity & Energy
Generation Ancillary Services Generation CTC Transmission/ ISO
Distribution/ Customer Access Public Benefits Programs | Billing
Metering Customer Service & Support Complaint Resolution Hookups Line Extensions Power Quality Prepayment of CTC |
* Including the appropriate allocation of O&M, A&G, and other adders.