Unbundling/Pricing/Rate Design and PBR
Meeting Minutes
May 9, 1996

The purpose of this meeting was to (i) review the capability and limitations of the utilities' billing systems to present unbundled rate components, (ii) to identify track 1 (crucial unbundling elements) and track 2 (potentially desirable but not as urgent as track 1 issues) issues, and to (iii) identify Performance-Based Ratemaking (PBR) issues. Jim Price of DRA facilitated the meeting. He distributed the minutes from last meeting (4/15/96) and the Assigned Commissioner's Ruling (ACR) in areas related to unbundling and PBR on May 8, 1996.

Maryam Ebke of CACD briefed the group on the ACR. She pointed out that by May 15, 1996, in preparation for the scoping workshop on May 20, 1996, parties should submit statements of issues to CACD. The statements should include issues and sub-issues related to unbundling and PBR to be addressed by the working groups, scheduling and sequencing of those issues, and issues related to transitioning from the current ratemakings (GRC, ECAC, etc.) to the PBR or post-restructured ratemaking. A scoping workshop meeting agenda is expected to be posted at the CPUC on May 19, 1996.

Issues Raised at the Meeting:

  1. In discussing the "Letter Seeking Recognition as Working Group", the parties agreed that DRA would submit the letter on behalf of all parties who agreed to be listed as sponsors, and that the letter would be appropriately addressed to both the Coordinating Commissioner and the subject Assigned Commissioner.

  2. PG&E, SCE, and SDG&E are all developing new computer systems which will support unbundling. Current systems will not support calculation and printing of detailed line items on all customers' bills, although PG&E does have capability to include additional line item data for a limit of 200,000 customers. SDG&E stated that its system will be able to allow many detail line items almost without any constraint for all customers by 1/1/98.

  3. Parties agreed that generation ancillary services should belong to track 1 issues. Ancillary service cost information should be separately identified so that the direct access customers will not be double charged if they self-procure their own ancillary services.

  4. Parties decided that the O&M and A&G items are cost allocation issues that should be considered as part of each track 1 and track 2 item.

  5. Working from a draft table prepared by Jim Price from suggestions received to date, no further agreements were reached as to whether other items from an initial column labeled "To Be Determined" should be placed in Track 1 or Track 2, and a suggestion was made to place line extensions in the "To Be Determined" column instead of Track 2. This discussion concluded by combining the "To Be Determined" and Track 2 columns into a single column labeled "Unresolved or Track 2", with timing stated as "as soon as possible". The resulting table is attached.

  6. In preparation for the May 29 meeting, parties who wish may provide position papers to Jim Price by May 24, 1996, for posting on the Web server, and fax them to those who don't have access to the Web. (requests for fax service: Barbara Barkovich of CLECA, 415-457-1948, and Ron Liebert of Calif. Farm Bureau, 916-923-5318) Parties should review and prepare to discuss the papers at the next meeting on May 29, 1996. For track 1 issues, the position paper should identify the costing methodology that the party proposes. For track 2 issues, the position paper should (1) state whether we have identified the correct issues, (2) propose the appropriate costing methodologies for each unbundling item, and (3) identify what this group should accomplish by 1/1/98.

  7. Parties defer forming subteams on track 2 issues and billing issues since most people are simultaneously interested in both track 1 and track 2 issues now; subteams will be formed if needs become apparent. The formation of the PBR subteam is also deferred until after the utilities' July 15 filings. Parties wish to concentrate their efforts mostly on the unbundling issues for now.

  8. Jim will present the proceedings of the group to date to represent this working group's list of issues in response to the ACR's request. Any new issues identified by the assigned Commissioner's scoping workshop will be discussed by this working group on May 29, 1996.

  9. Jim will post meeting minutes, agenda and related items on the Web site. Parties are to provide any comments to Jim on the "Comparison of Issues Between Unbundling/ Pricing/ Rate Design/ PBR and Other Working Groups".

Future meeting dates (all day; subteams are Analysis, and Interpretation of Existing Tariffs):

Identification of Track 1 vs. Track 2 Issues

Track 1 *
(completion by 1/1/98 or earlier)
Unresolved or Track 2 *
(as soon as possible)
Generation Capacity & Energy

Generation Ancillary Services

Generation CTC

Transmission/ ISO

Distribution/ Customer Access
(note: may include components that may be
separately unbundled)

Public Benefits Programs



Customer Service & Support

Complaint Resolution


Line Extensions

Power Quality

Prepayment of CTC

* Including the appropriate allocation of O&M, A&G, and other adders.