May 29, 1996

Meeting Objectives: (1) discuss Rate Case Plan (RCP) changes, (2) discuss position papers prepared by the parties on the level of unbundling needs. Jim Price of DRA continued to facilitate the meeting.

Rate Case Plan

1. Three IOUs provided a summary of the rate cases that each has to file in addition to the filing requirements ordered by the Commission's restructuring road map decision.

2. SDG&E proposed to suspend its GRC and associated rate window filings.

3. SCE also proposed to suspend its GRC. It's GRC NOI is supposed to be filed in Aug. 1996. SCE is working on a draft to send to CPUC executive director to request for a relief on its needing to file this GRC. SCE also believes that there is no need to file 1996 rate window since it just got its rate change in May '96. 4. PG&E proposes to continue its RCP until the electric restructuring and PBRs are fully in place. It pointed out that if its PBR application is not approved by May 8, 1997, PG&E would have to file a 1998 Cost of Capital Application. In addition, it would have to file a 1999 GRC NOI in July 1997 if PG&E's PBR is not approved before that. PG&E suggested that PBR may replace phase 1 of GRC while phase 2 of GRC can be kept open for marginal cost, cost allocation and rate design issues. 5. ECAC issues: Functional/ Product Unbundling

1. SCE, SDG&E, DRA, Agland Energy Services, Inc., CIU provided position papers on the Unbundling, track 1/track 2 Issues. WMA briefed parties on its preliminary position at the meeting.

2. Discussion on the unbundling issues:


1. PG&E proposes no change to its RCP until PBRs and electric restructuring are taking place.

2. SDG&E proposes suspension of its 1999 GRC and associated rate design window filings. It proposes an ECAP to substitute the current ECAC and rate window filing. The ECAP will also allow cost allocation and rate design changes.

3. SCE also proposes suspension of its GRC. It suggests that a combined ECAC/CTC proceedings to substitute the current ECAC, cost allocation and rate design changes. PBR will replace GRCs.

4. SCE and SDG&E will prepare a draft on their proposed RCP modifications. The draft will be circulated among all the parties of this working group such that they can decide if they want to join the motion or not.

5. Parties should discuss further about how to change the ECAC filings including procedure and "scope" after coordination with the CTC proceeding.

6. PG&E proposes a refined schedule for the unbundling and PBR timelines. SCE agrees that this proposed schedule can substitute what SCE handed out at the Commissioner's unbundling scoping workshop. Other parties want to further review and discuss with their clients to see if they can agree with PG&E's new proposal.

7. Parties still disagreed strongly on the track 1 vs track 2 dividing line. At the next meeting, the aggregators are invited to describe more clearly to the parties what they need for the unbundling and why they need it. The accountants of the IOUs shall come and discuss what can be done, or cannot be done. SDG&E is also encouraged to provide a preview of its proposed distribution unbundling details. After parties hear the analysis, if no consensus can be reached, the parties should prepare to seek Commission resolution.

8. Parties invite CACD to continuously participate at these working group meetings such that they can provide more information to the Commission.

9. DRA has served as the note taker for the first three working group meetings. Starting from next meeting, the note taker shall be chosen from the other parties.

Note: Cy Goldstone of CEC requests fax delivery of documents, at 916-654-4753, in addition to Barbara Barkovich and Ron Liebert.