Ratesetting Working Group
August 12-13, 1996

1. Meeting was facilitated (for organizational matters) by, and minutes prepared by, Jim Price. Correction to agendas: For Analysis subteam, the phrase "conduct the unbundling and costing process from start to finish" was replaced by "examine alternatives for unbundling and costing". Announcements: An e-mail system has now been established for automatic posting of submissions to the Web site; see for details.

2. Review Draft of August 26 Submission to Commission: The discussion of this report was facilitated by editor Cathy Yap. During the course of the discussion, Robert Berry and Maryam Ebke announced that a comment period would be provided, as requested by the group; comments on the August 26 report are due September 13, and should include delivery of an electronic copy to j.price@cpuc.ca.gov for posting on the Web site (call Jim Price at 415-703-1797 with any questions concerning electronic access). Discussion of the report extended over both scheduled meeting dates, with the remaining agenda items, plus the agendas for the subteams, were deferred to the September 4-5 meetings; follow-up conference calls were also scheduled. Notices of follow-up discussions were sent to the entire e-mail and fax lists, and posted on the Web site.

3. Sept. 4-5 were confirmed as dates for the next meetings. In addition to the deferred agenda items from 8/12-13, the agendas will include a presentation by California Energy Commission on two-part tariffs.