Upcoming Meetings on Rate Unbundling
Workshops concerning the utilities' rate unbundling tariff filings, in
compliance with D.97-08-056, are tentatively scheduled for Tuesday and
Wednesday, Sept. 16 - 17, 1997, at the CPUC. The Energy Division's notice
for these workshops will be distributed soon.
Prior to the workshop, the Ratesetting Working Group will meet on
Thursday, Sept. 11, in the CPUC's Training Room, near the ATM machine
at the Golden Gate entrance, at the CPUC, 505 Van Ness Ave, San Francisco.
The agenda will include:
(1) completion of the discussion that has occurred at past meetings
concerning non-firm (interruptible) rates, and
(2) any other topics that working group participants identify as being
productive for informal discussion before the Energy Division's workshops.
It will be helpful if participants who wish to suggest other topics for
discussion could identify these topics by e-mail to jep@cpuc.ca.gov by
Monday, Sept. 8. A specific agenda and schedule (beginning at 9:30 AM
unless otherwise notified) will then be distributed in advance of the
working group meeting.
Jim Price California Public Utilities Commission
jep@cpuc.ca.gov Office of Ratepayer Advocates
fax (415) 703-1981 voice (415) 703-1797