Outline for 8/26 Recommendation to Commission
- Executive Summary
- Introduction
- Necessity for direction from CPUC--Edison
- Items around which group has achieved consensus
- Items that need prompt Commission decision
- Description of the extent of unbundling (end state) and process
decisions needed--Describe relationship between Track 1/Track
2 and the Option 1-4 framework--PG&E
- There are multiple proposals that have been made by the various parties
- Define options--explain distinction between the various options
regarding the degree of unbundling
- Defer distribution unbundling issues entirely until after 1/1/98--Edison--James Lehrer
- Set process in place now to identify and complete further unbundling post 1/1/98--PG&E--Dave Rubin
- Selective distribution unbundling by 1/1/98 and additional unbundling post 1/1/98--SDG&E--David Croyle
- Comprehensive distribution unbundling over time beginning by 1/1/98--CEC--Mike Jaske
- Fundamental reworking of the way in which utilities obtain
earnings--option 4 plus additional unbundling of capita--Agland
- Option 1
- Description of the extent of unbundling
- Track 1 items
- Track 2 items
- CPUC Policy Decisions
- that need to be made
- that need to be clarified
- Sequence of analyses and CPUC decisions to implement the option
- Describe the information requirements for Track 1 and Track 2 items
- Describe the procedural and analytical steps that need to
be taken for each set of items
- Make a proposed schedule for addressing the requirements in
(1) and (2)
- Projected implications of options: Characterize the range
of opinions
- Extent of expected customer participation by customer type,
size, or other important feature
- Cost-shifting
- Utility incentive structure
- Other issues
- Summary of pros and cons--or as an Appendix--This is the section
in which parties can "file" their position on the option
in question.
- Option 2--repeat subsections as per Option 1
- Option 3--repeat subsections as per Option 1
- Option 4--repeat subsections as per Option 1
- Option 5--repeat subsections as per Option 1