Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 1997 10:06 AM
Subject: 2/14 Filing Attached is an electronic copy of PG&E's February 14 Supplemental Testimony.

File Name: Description of Files

22943.doc: Text of 2/14 filing (including chapters 1-4 and Appendix 2D)
chp3tabs.xls: Tables 3-1 and 3-2 (Chapter 3)
tb4-1_va.xls: Table 4-1 (Chapter 4)
tb2D-1.xls: Table 2D-1 (Appendix 2D)
tb2D-2.xls: Table 2D-2 (Appendix 2D)
ap4B_val.xls: Appendix 4B Tables

I will forward a copy of the electronic workpapers to ALJ Weissman in a separate transmittal.

Roxanne Piccillo