The previously scheduled May 9, 1996, meeting of the Unbundling/ Pricing/ Rate Design/ PBR Working Group will be held at PG&E's Pacific Energy Center, 851 Howard Street, San Francisco (a short distance west of Moscone Convention Center), at 10 AM, instead of the CPUC Auditorium as tentatively announced. We will seek to have a detailed agenda available prior to the meeting.
I am attaching a draft letter seeking recognition as a Working Group. I suggest that one of the first agenda items should be any refinements to this draft, followed by signing by all parties who wish to join in our request. If possible, could signing parties let me know by May 8 as to whose name to list on the letter?
I am also attaching the minutes of the April 15 Working Group meeting, including the revised mission statement and practices. These were posted on DRA's Internet server on April 19. For those without Internet access, I'm sorry these weren't sent earlier, but I've had too many all-day meetings recently.