Friday, January 16, 1998, 10 AM - 4 PM 77 Beale St., Room 308, San Francisco -------------------------------------- Discussion of scheduling at the January 8, 1998, prehearing conference on revenue cycle unbundling applications 97-11-004, 97-11-011, and 97-12-012 included the planning of workshops during January and February, 1998, prior to the filing of amended applications by the utilities. The first of these workshops will be held in San Francisco at 10 AM on Friday, January 16, to further discuss the content of "Phase 1" of this proceeding (e.g., credit categories, customer segments, units for each credit, and bill format; Phase 2 would include issues such as values for the credits, cost methodology, allocation of common costs, and utility cost recovery). Available materials will be posted to the Ratesetting Working Group's Web site (, and may be distributed by email to working group participants as well. Please let Jim Price know if you are aware of any revisions (additions, deletions, or changes) that should be made to the working group's email list for purposes of these workshops, by replying to
Agendas will be distributed prior to each set of meetings.