Upcoming Meetings of Ratesetting Working Group

The following continuation meetings are scheduled:

Tuesday, March 24, 1998, San Francisco

At the February 17 workshop on revenue cycle unbundling, a follow-up
continuation meeting of the Ratesetting Working Group was scheduled for 
Tuesday, March 24, at 10 AM (prior to the prehearing conference at 1:30).  
The location for this meeting will be Hearing Room A at the CPUC, 505 Van 
Ness Ave., San Francisco.  This meeting will provide an opportunity to 
discuss filings that have occurred since the February 17 workshop, 
including the ORA and intervenor Phase 1 testimony on February 27 and 
March 4, the utilities' revised applications on March 9, and rebuttal 
testimony to be filed on March 18.

Agendas will be distributed prior to each set of meetings.

Available materials will be posted to the Ratesetting Working Group's Web site (, and may be distributed by email to working group participants as well. Please let Jim Price know if you are aware of any revisions (additions, deletions, or changes) that should be made to the working group's email list for purposes of these workshops, by replying to jep@primeu.cpuc.ca.gov. (For other purposes, use jep@cpuc.ca.gov.)