June 18, 1996 To: Rate & Product Unbundling Working Group Re: Working Group Support of SDG&Es Motion for Suspension of its Requirement to File a 1999 General Rate Case On June 11, 1996, San Diego Gas & Electric Company filed a Motion with the Commission for Suspension of its requirement to file a 1999 General Rate Case (the Motion). SDG&E seeks support for the Motion from the Rate & Product Unbundling Working Group. In summary, the Motion argues that given the Commission's stated preference for Performance Based Ratemaking, preparing to file a GRC would be a waste of SDG&E's and the Commission's limited resources -- resources that are rightly focused on electric restructuring. The Motion explains that without such relief, SDG&E must begin the substantial work necessary to prepare a Notice of Intent by year-end 1996. At the last working group meeting (May 29, 1996), a majority of the members supported the Motion in concept. SDG&E will ask the group for its formal support at the June 26th meeting. Please call Rich Swanson at (619) 696-4069 with your questions or comments. Thank you. San Diego Gas & Electric Company cc: TS20368 --VMSDGE1 Croyle, David TS76110 --VMSDGE1 Schneider, Michael TS88640 --VMSDGE1 Vaccaro, Joe A. TS81582 --VMSDGE1 **Thompson, Vicki Rich Swanson X4069