SDG&E's July 15th Rate Unbundling Filing
Ratesetting Work Group Presentation - July 26, 1996
July 15th Conceptual Filing
- Rate Case Plan Modifications
- Functional Unbundling Proposal
- Competitive Distribution Unbundling Proposal
- Revenue Allocation (Long-term and Short-term)
- Rate Design (Long-term and Short-term)
July 15th Filing
Functional Unbundling
- Total Revenue Requirement Starting Point at Escalated
1998 level (under 1/1/96 Rate Cap)
- Generation Costs separated from G&T&D
using actual 1995 Cost Data in GencoPBR
- Transmission Costs to be subtracted from remaining
T&D Based on March 1997 FERC filing
July 15th Filing
Distribution Service Unbundling
- Propose standardized method of identifying, costing,
and pricing competitive distribution services
- Propose that SDG&E, SCE, and PG&E unbundle
competitive billing, metering, and customer services in November
15th filings
- Work with Ratesetting Workgroup to reach consensus
on approach
- File consensus document with CPUC on August 26
July 15th Filing
Revenue Allocation
- Initially, minimize revenue shifting by using
capped EPMC approach
- Support Long-Term Cost-Based, Uncapped approach
- CTC allocation on residual of UDC and transmission
- Public goods charges allocated on residual of
UDC and transmission charges
July 15th Filing
Rate Design
- Support the use of fixed costs and demand charges
to recover distribution costs on a statewide basis
- Single Average Power Exchange Price for non-RTP
- In end-state, TOU customers receive an average
charge for all usage and TOU distribution charges
July 15th Filing
Rate Design (continued)
- In end-state, RTP customers will receive hourly
use and power exchange prices under Cost Based Rates
- Direct Access customers billed by retailer
- Support for universal state-wide metering within
5 years