To: [Distribution]
From: Don Fellows, SCE
Date: January 21, 1996
The attached file contains a list of points which Edison has asked the CPUC
to approve in our 12/6 and 12/20 filings. I encourage you to peruse these
points and to be prepared to give your views on them (i.e. agree, could
agree with modification, no way) at the 1/23 meeting so that we can get a
sense of where to direct the efforts of the group in reducing the amount of
litigation on these issues.
The following are specific decisions
that Edison has asked the Commission to issue in response to its
December 6th and 20th filings in the Restructuring
- The current Electric Revenue Adjustment Mechanism (ERAM) and
Energy Cost Adjustment Clause (ECAC) balancing accounts are eliminated
effective January 1, 1998.
- Edison's proposed Miscellaneous Adjustment Mechanism (MAM)
balancing account is adopted effective January 1, 1998.
The MAM revenue requirement will be collected through the nonPBR
component of distribution rates in the Miscellaneous Adjustment
Mechanism Billing Factor (MAMBF).
- The current California Alternative Rate for Energy (CARE)
balancing account will be retained on January 1, 1998.
- CARE administrative costs currently collected through base
rates will be collected through the Public Benefit charge effective
January 1, 1998.
- The nuclear decommissioning revenue requirement adopted in
Edison's 1995 General Rate Case (GRC) will be reflected in a separate
nonbypassable nuclear decommissioning charge effective January 1,
1998. Edison's proposed Nuclear Decommissioning Balancing Account
Mechanism is adopted effective January 1, 1998.
- The cost separation ultimately adopted in Edison's Generation
PBR Application (A.9607009) or an alternative proceeding will
be reflected in January 1, 1998 rates.
- Generation rates will be determined residually, by subtracting
transmission, distribution, Public Benefit and nuclear decommissioning
charges from the total rates as of June 10, 1996.
- CTC will further be determined residually by subtracting the
PX energy charge from the total generation charge.
- Nongeneration PBR base rates will be developed using the methodology
set forth in Advice Letter 1191-E, updated to 1998 by the
CPI-X update rule.
- The nonbypassable charges for Public Benefit programs and
nuclear decommissioning costs will be recovered on an equal centsperkWh
- For Domestic rate schedules, the baseline/nonbaseline rate
differential will be reflected exclusively in the CTC during the
term of the rate freeze.
- For interruptible rates, the interruptible credit will be
reflected exclusively in CTC during the term of the rate freeze.
- Edison should seek to modify its tariffs to reflect settlement
of the ISO interruption criteria when the ISO assumes responsibility
for the operation of the interruptible program.
- The 10% rate reduction for residential and small commercial
customers required by AB 1890, contingent on issuance of
Rate Reduction Bonds, will be implemented through a 10% bill credit
for customers in the Residential and GS1 rate groups. Funding
for the principal, transaction costs and interest associated with
the Rate Reduction Bonds will be provided through a centsperkWh
surcharge applied to bills of customers receiving the bill credit.
- All eligible lowincome customers will continue to receive
the 15% CARE discount. For CARE customers on general service
rate schedules, Edison will calculate the CARE discount based
on the total rate before subtracting the PX energy charge.
- Customers taking service under special rate contracts or options
will have a lower CTC than that reflected in the otherwise applicable
tariff, consistent with PU Code Section 368, which requires
setting rates for contracts or tariff options at levels equal
to those in effect as of June 10, 1996.
- Each November 1, Edison will file its forecast January 1
revenue requirements and rates through an Advice Filing. The
Advice Filing will contain all the information needed for Commission
review in order to set January 1 rates.
- Each April 30, Edison will file its Balancing Account
Reports and its Reasonableness of Operations application for the
prior calendar year. This Report will include full CTC Balancing
Account reporting for the prior calendar year, in addition to
the supporting documentation for the various other balancing accounts,
while the reasonableness application will include information
on Hydro, Catalina electric, and EPTC operations.
- Edison's proposed AMR system-wide implementation and associated
cost recovery is approved.
- Unbundling is limited to Generation, Transmission and Distribution,
Nuclear Decommissioning, Public Goods and CTC.
- Utilities can negotiate contracts with ESPs to bill on their
behalf. ESPs can bill on behalf of the utilities if they meet
the credit standards for the account.
- Utilities will provide timely access to meter reading data
with the appropriate customer authorization.
/1/ The details of settlements, including precisely how to determine the amount
of energy purchased during any hour in the absence of universal real time
metering and an agreed-upon methodology for attributing line losses have not
been resolved at this point. Parties are addressing these issues in the ISO/PX
Working Groups, and Edison anticipates they will be further addressed in filings
to be made with FERC in March 1997.