Proposed Practices
for the
Unbundling/ Pricing/ Rate Design/ PBR Working Group
- Ground Rules for the WG Process
- As a body that will seek official
recognition by the CPUC, the purpose of the WG is to implement
CPUC decisions and not to recreate disputes over matters already
settled by the CPUC's policy decisions. Where pertinent policy
issues have not been clearly settled by CPUC decisions, interpretations
will be addressed as substantive issues.
- The WG should include broad stakeholder
- All parties should contribute
time and effort to the WG process and attempt to seek their preferred
solution inside of the WG process. (We do not consider parties
taking positions on legislation to be contrary to this rule.)
- The workload of the WG should
not be carried by any single party.
- A coordinating committee will
be organized to provide procedural assistance to the efforts of
the overall WG.
- Several other working groups and
forums (Direct Access Working Group, ESWG-CC Study Team on Information
Access, Consumer Protection Working Group, etc.) are addressing
similar or related topics. This WG should seek to coordinate
its efforts and to minimize duplication with other existing or
emergent working groups.
- All deliberations of the WG will
be publicly noticed. Private meetings of subsets of the WG may
occur, but all members will be notified.
- Meeting Notices, Minutes, Distribution of Materials
- An opportunity to be included
within the WG process should be extended to all parties.
- All parties specifically designating
interest in the WG will be placed on a mailing list and will receive
mailings of materials, notices, etc. In addition, meeting notices
will be provided to Michelle Cooke of the CPUC for inclusion on
their Internet website (, and notices,
minutes, and other materials of general interest will be posted
on DRA's Internet website (,
alternatively or Gopher at
- An attempt will be made to avoid
scheduling meetings that conflict with related working group activities.
- Written notices will be provided
by internet, mail or fax, and received by parties whenever possible
at least 7 working days, and in no event less than 48 hours, in
advance of each meeting of the WG.
- Minutes of discussions will be
prepared and distributed to all persons on the mailing list.
Minutes will identify all decisions, major points of discussion,
and areas of substantial agreement and disagreement, but will
not identify parties. All handouts distributed at WG meetings
will be included with minutes, except that lengthy handouts may
be provided only on DRA's Internet website.
- Specific parties will be identified
that are willing to undertake the burden of preparing, duplicating,
and mailing minutes, handouts, and other materials, and perhaps
other administrative services.
- Meetings
- All meetings will be chaired by
a person who agrees to refrain from any advocacy for the duration
of the meeting. The meeting chair's responsibility is to get
the group to work through the agenda in a productive manner.
Individual participants agree to conform to the decisions of the
chair, unless the chair is overruled by a majority of the participants.
- The coordinating committee will
develop a detailed agenda for each meeting. The first order of
business of each meeting is to verify that the proposed agenda
is acceptable, and if not to develop a consensus around a revised
agenda. The second order of business is to ensure that appropriate
notetaking responsibilities are assigned to ensure that minutes
are produced.
- The goal of a meeting is to review
materials that are pertinent to a specific issue within the scope
of the WG's activities that has been identified on the agenda
for that meeting, and to use a discussion process to make a decision
that is acceptable to the WG.
- Decision-making during meetings
will be by consensus, which is interpreted to mean "a decision
that all parties can live with".
- The final order of business will
be to identify the subject(s), tentative agenda, date, place,
and time for the next meeting.
- Meeting location will rotate among
sites as needed with the objective of minimizing overall travel
requirements for the active participants in the WG.
- Substantive Efforts of the WG
- The WG will develop a written
mission statement that identifies what it is trying to accomplish.
- The WG will develop a written
scope of work that identifies the specific activities, products,
reports that it intends to use in accomplishing its mission.
- The WG coordinating committee
will request volunteers and/or assign participants to develop
analyses, position papers, studies or other materials that are
needed to assess issues, identify options, and provide a substantive
basis for developing solutions to issues.
- The WG itself will prepare written
reports as needed to document its activities in developing solutions
to issues. If consensus cannot be reached, then options will
be produced and advantages and disadvantages will be identified.