As directed by the Commission in D.96-12-077, the Energy Division
will hold a workshop on Thursday, February 20, 1997 in the Commission
Auditorium to address the issue of streamlining the tariffs and
accounts for electric utilities. In order to facilitate discussions
in this workshop, the Energy Division has developed the following
topics for consideration:
Please serve a written response to these questions on all parties by Tuesday, February 18, 1997. Utilities should also include a copy of the flow chart that is to be circulated by February 14, 1997 as part of the Transition Cost Proceeding. Parties who wish to propose additional questions for discussion at the workshop should include their questions with their comments.
Please contact Maryam Ebke at (415) 703-2575 (e-mail: or Greg Wilson at (415) 703-2159 (e-mail: for more information.