SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94102-3298

February 11, 1999

Dave Cornman
Director, Environmental Services
Kinder Morgan Energy Partners, L.P.
1100 Town and Country Road
Orange, CA 92868

RE: Variance Request #4 - Allow for open cut construction (rather than boring) through the railroad track crossing on Victoria Street, Los Angeles County.

Dear Mr. Cornman:

We have reviewed the above-referenced variance request, and approve your request based on the following factors:

• The purpose of this request is to expedite project construction.

• Victoria Street is a east-west bound, four lane roadway which is crossed by Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) about 450 feet east of Sante Fe Avenue. The SFPP Pipeline is to be located within the left, east-bound lane of Victoria Street. As originally proposed (Construction Drawing No. 1764-A-110), the UPRR crossing was to be bored. Bore pits would be located within the east-bound lane of Victoria Street. KMEP estimates that approximately 5 days would be required to complete the bore.

• KMEP has requested that the railroad crossing be open cut, rather than bored, to expedite construction. KMEP estimates that approximately one day would be required to install the pipeline through the railroad crossing within via open cut.

• By open cutting the subject railroad crossing, traffic impacts on Victoria Street at the UPRR crossing would decrease in comparison to boring, since closure of the left east-bound lane due to pipeline construction would be reduced from five to one days.

• The measures noted below shall be implemented:

- All applicable mitigation measures shall be implemented during construction, including implementation of appropriate Traffic Control Plan(s) and dust abatement.

- Prior to the commencement of construction at the subject UPRR crossing, written approval from Los Angeles County shall be provided to the CPUC Environmental Monitor. All conditions imposed by Los Angeles County shall be implemented.

- Implementation of this variance in accordance with the provisions noted above shall be verified on a random basis by a CPUC Environmental Monitor.


moises signature.gif (347 bytes)

Moises Chavez
Project Manager
cc: V. Strong, Aspen
      S. Lee, Aspen


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