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Welcome to the California Public Utilities
Commission (CPUC) web site for the California Environmental Quality Act
(CEQA) review of the proposed construction of Southern California Edison
Company’s (SCE) Valley-Auld Power Line Project. A permit to construct
for this project was approved by the CPUC on January 20, 2000. This site provides
access to public documents and information relevant to the CEQA review.
BACKGROUND To respond to growth in electrical service demand and maintain system reliability, SCE proposes to improve system voltages and to expand transmission capacity on the existing Valley-Auld 115 kV system in southwestern Riverside County. Phase 1 of the proposed project will improve voltage problems by constructing a new 115 kV line connection (0.9 mile in length) between the Auld Substation and the Moraga Substation. This new line would extend from the Auld Substation south along the west side of Liberty Road until it connects with the existing Auld-Moraga-Pauba 115 kV line at Winchester Road. The Pauba tap on the Auld-Moraga-Pauba line will be removed and switched to tap the existing Valley-Auld 115 kV line. Phase 2 of the proposed project is designed to address anticipated voltage drop and line overloading problems on the existing 115 kV line by adding an additional 115 kV line (10.6 miles in length) creating a double circuit system that would be tapped by and increase capacity to the Pauba line. This new 115 kV line would extend from the Valley Substation (at the corner of Menifee Road and McLaughlin Road in the northwest portion of the project site) south to a tap point in the southern portion of the project site at the corner of Liberty Road and Los Alamos Road to connect to the existing Pauba 115 kV line. INITIAL STUDY An Initial Study (pdf) was prepared by the CPUC to determine if the proposed project has the potential to result in significant environmental impacts. In making this determination, the ability of mitigation measures proposed by the Applicant to reduce or avoid potential impacts was considered. A Mitigation Implementation and Monitoring Plan (pdf) was prepared to describe the methods for implementing and monitoring the proposed mitigation measures. MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION Based on the assessment of potential environmental impacts in the Initial Study, the CPUC has determined that the potentially significant impacts associated with the construction and operation of the proposed project can be avoided or reduced it to a less-than-significant level with the implementation of mitigation measures proposed by the Applicant. Therefore, the CPUC prepared a Mitigated Negative Declaration (pdf) for the proposed project. COMMENTS The public review period for the Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration extended from August 2 through September 1, 1999. Public comments on the Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration were received during this period. The CPUC approved the Final Mitigated Negative Declaration on January 20, 2000. For additional information, contact Moisés Chavez at (415) 703-1851. E-mail: mcv@cpuc.ca.gov.
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