
  1. ,b) Construction of the Nortech Substation and associated transmission lines would not directly increase population within the community. The project is designed to accommodate projected and planned growth in demand in the north San Jose and north Santa Clara areas of Santa Clara County, by providing additional electrical power to a system where the existing electrical capacity cannot meet projected needs. While new development is planned under approved plans for the area by the Cities of San Jose and Santa Clara, no new public or private projects are anticipated to be directly initiated as a result of construction and operation of the substation and transmission lines. Therefore, no impact would occur because the project would not exceed population projections or induce growth in the area.

  1. No housing units are located on the proposed Nortech substation site or within the corridor necessary for construction of power lines. Although there are several residential areas adjacent to both of the proposed line corridors, since no residences would need to be demolished or moved, no impacts to housing would occur.

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