1. As described previously, the site already has been graded and the original vegetation significantly altered. Landscaping on the perimeter of the site provides habitat for birds. No special status species of plants or animals occupy or use the site or are expected to use the site.
  1. Eight small trees are present on-site in the location of the proposed Spill Containment Prevention and Countermeasure (SPCC) pond. That area is currently a drainage control facility that was constructed in the 1970's. The trees date from that period. Included in these trees are four interior live oaks (Quercus wizlizinii) which are of sufficient height and girth to meet the Town of Los Gatos' definition of a "tree" (Iaquinto, 1997). These trees are between 12 and 15 feet tall, with three 13-inch circumference trees, and one 17-inch tree. All of these trees are found within the site drainage and spill containment facility area and will need to be removed for the proposed SPCC pond improvements (see Section IV. Water). The drainage area is graded and considered to have limited ecological value (ESA, 1997). Four oak trees in the site of the SPCC pond would be removed to allow the pond to function effectively without leakage. The trees are young and are not considered heritage trees (i.e., trees of great age, size and/or historical importance). The removal of these trees would not substantially reduce oak tree resources of the region and the impact is considered less than significant.

    Installation of the tubular steel pole may require removal of a small blue elderberry shrub (Sambucus caerulea) and single fan palm (Washingtonia filifera). Both of these plants are below the minimum height and diameter standards for Town of Los Gatos tree protection, and therefore, their removal would be a less than significant impact. The planted trees and shrubs on the landscaped perimeter of the site would remain under the proposed project. These trees would not have to be pruned or topped to accommodate the proposed facilities, therefore, no impact to them would occur.
  1. There are no locally designated natural communities found in the project area; therefore, no impact would occur.
  1. There is no wetland habitat at the project site; therefore, no impact would occur.
  1. Existing poles and power lines would be replaced to accommodate the new substation. Location of replacement structures would be at or near the same location as existing features. These changes would result in no additional risks to migratory birds, therefore, no impacts related to wildlife dispersal or migration corridors would occur.
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