- /FireTechSummit/Presentations/WildfireTechSummit/Day2/Day 2 Morning Session/

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4/16/2019 1:40 PM 6092997 DR RUSSELL - Distribution Fault Anticipation Technology.pdf
4/16/2019 1:39 PM 86498588 DR RUSSELL - Distribution Fault Anticipation Technology.pptx
4/16/2019 1:38 PM 6092997 DR RUSSELL.pdf
3/21/2019 8:00 AM 86503148 DR RUSSELL.pptx
3/21/2019 7:58 AM 11276421 DR RUSSELLWildfireMapWithCircuitOverlayAndArc.pptx
3/19/2019 8:19 AM 972262 Dr. B Russel.mht
4/16/2019 1:41 PM 8715527 SIMON Dunstall - Quantifying and managing the bushfire-related risks posed by powerlines.pdf
3/22/2019 1:33 AM 30922315 SIMON Dunstall wildfire-tech-ca_2019-03-21.pptx